[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M33964

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (08/24/90)

LOCUS       CFXCSMA       859 bp ds-DNA             BCT       24-AUG-1990
DEFINITION  C.aurantiacus 5.7 kd chlorosomal protein (cmsA) gene, complete cds.
KEYWORDS    chlorosomal protein.
SOURCE      C.aurantiacus (strain J-10-fl) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Chloroflexus aurantiacus
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Anoxyphotobacteria; 
            Multicellular filamentous green bacteria; Chloroflexaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 107 to 554)
  AUTHORS   Theroux,S.J., Redlinger,T.E., Fuller,R.C. and Robinson,S.J.
  TITLE     Gene encoding a 5.7 kd chlorosomal protein in Chloroflexus
            aurantiacus: Regulated message levels and a predicted carboxy
            terminal protein extension
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 172, 4497-4504 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 859)
  AUTHORS   Theroux,S.J., Redlinger,T.E., Fuller,R.C. and Robinson,S.J.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted
            by S.J.Robinson, 01-MAY-1990.
               Author address: S.J.Robinson
               University of Massachusetts
               108 Morrill Science Center
               Amherst, MA 01003
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept        210      452     5.7 kd chlorosomal protein (cmsA)
    mRNA        135  >   452     cmsA mRNA
    binding     196      204     ribosome binding site
    rpt         464      495     inverted repeat
BASE COUNT      158 a    232 c    283 g    186 t
        1 gatcggcgac ttccggcggg tcattacgct gccgaccagt ctggccggcc tggaagccgg
       61 tcaggccgag atggagggtg aatggttgat tgtccccttc atggcgccgc aaatggcgca
      121 acgctgaggc agcctgaact gtggggtttc tcggaggctt gcctccggtg acctgaataa
      181 tggagtccgt ttgataagga ggtgtgtgca tggcgacgag aggctggttc tcggagtcgt
      241 cggcgcaggt ggcgcaaatc ggcgacatca tgttccaggg ccactggcaa tgggtctcga
      301 atgcgctaca ggccaccgcg gcagcggttg acaacatcaa ccgcaatgct tacccgggcg
      361 tgtcccggag cggctcgggc gagggagcgt tcagcagcag cccgagcaac ggcttccgtc
      421 cgaagcgcat tcgctcgcgc ttcaaccgct aggctggcgg gcaggcgtga ggcgtgcgtt
      481 ctgtcgcctc acgccgatcc ctcgggagcg ttatgattaa cctgctctac tacagtcata
      541 ccaccgtacc ggctcatctg gaagagatta cgcgactgga tgtgctcgat cctgacgagc
      601 aagtgctggt cgcgatagat ggcgttttgg tcgatcagca gggacagcgg ctgagcggcc
      661 caacgctgca cgattattgt ctgatcaccg acttgcgggt gatcctgtgg gcacgagatt
      721 atggccggca tttgtgttat gcctttccat tgcatgagct gacgttgatt gatgggcgcg
      781 ggattgatcc gatccacggc gcagtgacga tgggctttag cgcgccagat accgatgatc
      841 agatttttac gctgactct