LOCUS MUSIGHAFW 700 bp ds-DNA ROD 24-AUG-1990 DEFINITION Mouse Ig rearranged heavy-chain gene V region. ACCESSION M36689 KEYWORDS immunoglobulin heavy-chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse myeloma MC101 DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 700) AUTHORS Honjo,T., Nakai,S., Nishida,Y., Kataoka,T., Yamawaki-Kataoka,Y., Takahashi,N., Obata,M., Shimizu,A., Yaoita,Y., Nikaido,T. and Ishida,N. TITLE Rearrangements of immunoglobulin genes during differentiation and evolution JOURNAL Immunol. Rev. 59, 33-67 (1981) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES from to/span description pept 14 59 Ig heavy-chain V region precursor, exon 1 144 / 515 Ig heavy-chain V region precursor, exon 2 sigp 14 59 Ig heavy-chain V region signal peptide 144 154 Ig heavy-chain V region signal peptide matp 155 / 515 Ig heavy-chain V region IVS 60 143 Ig heavy-chain V region intron A IVS 516 > 700 Ig heavy-chain V region intron B BASE COUNT 170 a 160 c 184 g 186 t ORIGIN 1 cctccatcag agcatggctg tcttagggct actcttctgc ctagtgacat tcccaagctg 61 tgagtgtttc agggtttcag aagagggact aggacatgtc agataggaga tgtgtgactt 121 atgttgatgt tgcttgtccc caggtgtcct atcccaggtg cagctgaagc agtcaggacc 181 tggcctggtg cagccctcac agagcctgtc catcacctgc acagtctctg gtttctcatt 241 aactacctat ggtgtaaact gggttcgcca gtctccagga aagggtctgg agtggctggg 301 agtgatatgg agtggtggaa gcacagagta taatgcagct ttcatatcca gactgaacat 361 caccaaggac aattccaaga gccaagtttt ctttaaaatg aacagtctgc aatctaatga 421 cacagccata tattactgtg ccagaaggga ctacgttagt aggtacgacc cgtttgctta 481 ctggggccaa gggactctgg tcactgtctc tgcaggtgag tcctaacttc tcccattcta 541 gatgcatctt ggggggattc tgagccttca ggaccaagat tctctgcaaa cgaatcaaga 601 ttcaacccct ttgtaccaaa attgagacag gggtctgggc tagggactct ctgcctgctg 661 gtctgtggtg gcattagaaa tgaagtatga tgaaggatct //