LOCUS BSTTRYBS 85 bp ss-tRNA RNA 30-AUG-1990 DEFINITION B.stearothermophilus Tyr-tRNA. ACCESSION M25177 KEYWORDS transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Tyr. SOURCE B.stearothermophilus tRNA. ORGANISM Bacillus stearothermophilus Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 85) AUTHORS Simoncsits,A., Brownlee,G.G., Brown,R.S., Rubin,J.R. and Guilley,H. TITLE New rapid gel sequencing method for RNA JOURNAL Nature 269, 833-836 (1977) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES from to/span description tRNA 1 85 Tyr-tRNA modified 8 8 s4u modified 17 17 gm modified 23 23 m1a anticdn 35 37 anticodon gta modified 38 38 ms2i6a modified 40 40 p modified 64 64 p BASE COUNT 15 a 26 c 27 g 17 t ORIGIN 1 ggaggggtag cgaagtggct aaacgcggct gactgtaaag ccgctccctt tgggttcggc 61 ggttcgaatc cgtccccctc cacca //