[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION J01859 M24828 M24911 K02555 M24996 M24833 M24834 M24835 M24836

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (08/30/90)

LOCUS       ECORRD       1541 bp ss-rRNA            RNA       30-AUG-1990
DEFINITION  E.coli 16S ribosomal RNA.
ACCESSION   J01859 M24828 M24911 K02555 M24996 M24833 M24834 M24835 M24836
KEYWORDS    16S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli rRNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; 
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Ehresmann,C., Stiegler,P., Carbon,P. and Ebel,J.-P.
  TITLE     Recent progress in the determination of the primary sequence of the
            16 S RNA of Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   FEBS Lett. 84, 337-341 (1977)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Carbon,P., Ehresmann,C., Ehresmann,B. and Ebel,J.-P.
  TITLE     The sequence of Escherichia coli ribosomal 16 S RNA determined by
            new rapid gel methods
  JOURNAL   FEBS Lett. 94, 152-156 (1978)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Carbon,P., Ehresmann,C., Ehresmann,B. and Ebel,J.-P.
  TITLE     The complete nucleotide sequence of the ribosomal 16-S RNA from
            Escherichia coli: Experimental details and cistron heterogeneities
  JOURNAL   Eur. J. Biochem. 100, 399-410 (1979)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1346 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Taylor,B.H., Prince,J.B., Ofengand,J. and Zimmermann,R.A.
  TITLE     Nonanucleotide sequence from 16S ribonucleic acid at the peptidyl
            transfer ribonucleic acid binding site of the Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Biochemistry 20, 7581-7588 (1981)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   5  (bases 1442 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Schnare,M.N. and Gray,M.W.
  TITLE     3'-terminal sequence of wheat mitochondrial 18S ribosomal RNA:
            Further evidence of a eubacterial evolutionary origin
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 3921-3932 (1982)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   6  (bases 1 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Ehresmann,C., Stiegler,P., Fellner,P. and Ebel,J.-P.
  TITLE     The determination of the primary structure of the 16s ribosomal rna
            of escherichia coli: III. Further studies
  JOURNAL   Biochimie 57, 711-748 (1975)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
REFERENCE   7  (bases 1 to 1541)
  AUTHORS   Ehresmann,C., Stiegler,P., Fellner,P. and Ebel,J.-P.
  TITLE     the determination of the primary structure of the 16S ribosomal RNA
            of Escherichia coli: (2) nucleotide sequences of products from
            partial enzymatic hydrolysis
  JOURNAL   Biochimie 54, 901-967 (1972)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
REFERENCE   8  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Zimmermann,R.A. and Singh-Bergmann,K.
  TITLE     Binding sites for ribosomal proteins S8 and S15 in the 16S RNA of
            Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Biochim. Biophys. Acta 563, 422-431 (1979)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
REFERENCE   9  (bases 558 to 890)
  AUTHORS   Gregory,R.J., Zeller,M.L., Thurlow,D.L., Gourse,R.L., Stark,M.J.R.,
            Dahlberg,A.E. and Zimmermann,R.A.
  TITLE     Interaction of ribosomal proteins S6, S8, S15 and S18 with the
            central domain of 16S ribosomal RNA from Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 178, 287-302 (1984)
  STANDARD  simple staff_review
REFERENCE   10 (bases 16 to 86; 147 to 246; 281 to 772)
  AUTHORS   Ungewickell,E., Garrett,R., Ehresmann,C., Stiegler,P. and
  TITLE     An investigation of the 16-S RNA binding sites of ribosomal
            proteins S4, S8, S15 and S20 from Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Eur. J. Biochem. 51, 165-180 (1975)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
COMMENT     [2], [3] contain updated sequence data for the original work by the
            same laboratory [1]. There were too many discrepancies between [1]
            and [2], [3] to list each revision in our sites table. The sequence
            shown is from [3]. [1], [2], [3] point to a number of cistron
            heterogeneities. There is uncertainty, however, with regard to
            assigning these various heterogeneities to specific cistrons. The
            RNA method used by [1], [2], [3] gives the average of all the
            cistrons present in the cell [3]. The heterogeneities are
            classified by their relative proportions into major, minor and
            undetermined species. The sequence shown corresponds to the major
            species. The heterogeneities were annotated as variations in the
            sites table. It is not known which of the residues "c" (base 633)
            or "a" (base 641) undergoes a deletion, giving rise to the minor
            component "atctg". [3] suggests the existence of one or two mutated
            cistrons among the known seven cistrons of ribosomal RNA.
            With the exception of a single base deletion, this sequence is
            identical to the current 16S rDNA sequence for the E.coli rRNB
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    rRNA          1     1541     16S rRNA
    variant      76       76     g in major species; c in undetermined species
    variant      80       80     a in major species; c in undetermined species
    variant      88       89     tc in major species; tgc in undetermined
    variant      90       92     ttt in major species; substitution of one of
                                 the t by c in undetermined species
    variant     179      179     t in major species; c in minor species
    variant     182      182     c in major species 1; t in major species 2
    variant     193      194     ca in major species; cga in undetermined
    variant     267      272     tcacct in major species; ccacct or tcaccc in
                                 minor species
    variant     283      285     ccc in major species; cc in minor species
    conflict    348      349     ag in [3]; ga in [2]
    modified    526      526     m7g = 7-methylguanosine
    variant     630      631     ct in major species; cct in minor species
    variant     632      634     gca in major species; ga in minor species (see
    variant     640      642     tac in major species; tc in minor species (see
    conflict    853      855     ttc in [3]; ctt in [2]
    revision    915      916     tg in [3]; tcg in [1],[2] (typing error)
    variant     965      965     g in undetermined species 1; 2-methylguanosine
                                 in species 2
    conflict   1027     1029     ctt in [3]; ttc in [2]
    variant    1071     1072     gt in major species; gtt in undetermined
    variant    1074     1074     t in major species; a in undetermined species
    modified   1099     1099     m5c = 5-methylcytidine
    modified   1206     1206     m2g = 2-methylguanosine
    variant    1280     1280     c in major species; t in minor species
    variant    1320     1322     tcg in major species; tg in minor species
    modified   1401     1401     m4c = n4-methylcytidine
    modified   1402     1402     cm = 2'-o-methylcytidine
    variant    1405     1405     t in major species; c in minor species
    variant    1406     1406     5-methylcytidine in major species; c in minor
    conflict   1490     1493     gaag in [3]; gag in [4]
    modified   1497     1497     um = 2'-o-methyluridine
    modified   1517     1517     m66a = n6,n6-dimethyladenosine
    modified   1518     1518     m66a = n6,n6-dimethyladenosine
BASE COUNT      389 a    352 c    487 g    313 t
ORIGIN      5' end of mature rRNA.
        1 aaattgaaga gtttgatcat ggctcagatt gaacgctggc ggcaggccta acacatgcaa
       61 gtcgaacggt aacaggaaga agcttgctct ttgctgacga gtggcggacg ggtgagtaat
      121 gtctgggaaa ctgcctgatg gagggggata actactggaa acggtagcta ataccgcata
      181 acgtcgcaag accaaagagg gggaccttcg ggcctcttgc catcggatgt gcccagatgg
      241 gattagctag taggtggggt aacggctcac ctaggcgacg atccctagct ggtctgagag
      301 gatgaccagc cacactggaa ctgagacacg gtccagactc ctacgggagg cagcagtggg
      361 gaatattgca caatgggcgc aagcctgatg cagccatgcc gcgtgtatga agaaggcctt
      421 cgggttgtaa agtactttca gcggggagga agggagtaaa gttaatacct ttgctcattg
      481 acgttacccg cagaagaagc accggctaac tccgtgccag cagccgcggt aatacggagg
      541 gtgcaagcgt taatcggaat tactgggcgt aaagcgcacg caggcggttt gttaagtcag
      601 atgtgaaatc cccgggctca acctgggaac tgcatctgat actggcaagc ttgagtctcg
      661 tagagggggg tagaattcca ggtgtagcgg tgaaatgcgt agagatctgg aggaataccg
      721 gtggcgaagg cggccccctg gacgaagact gacgctcagg tgcgaaagcg tggggagcaa
      781 acaggattag ataccctggt agtccacgcc gtaaacgatg tcgacttgga ggttgtgccc
      841 ttgaggcgtg gcttccggag ctaacgcgtt aagtcgaccg cctggggagt acggccgcaa
      901 ggttaaaact caaatgaatt gacgggggcc cgcacaagcg gtggagcatg tggtttaatt
      961 cgatgcaacg cgaagaacct tacctggtct tgacatccac ggaagttttc agagatgaga
     1021 atgtgccttc gggaaccgtg agacaggtgc tgcatggctg tcgtcagctc gtgttgtgaa
     1081 atgttgggtt aagtcccgca acgagcgcaa cccttatcct ttgttgccag cggtccggcc
     1141 gggaactcaa aggagactgc cagtgataaa ctggaggaag gtggggatga cgtcaagtca
     1201 tcatggccct tacgaccagg gctacacacg tgctacaatg gcgcatacaa agagaagcga
     1261 cctcgcgaga gcaagcggac ctcataaagt gcgtcgtagt ccggattgga gtctgcaact
     1321 cgactccatg aagtcggaat cgctagtaat cgtggatcag aatgccacgg tgaatacgtt
     1381 cccgggcctt gtacacaccg cccgtcacac catgggagtg ggttgcaaaa gaagtaggta
     1441 gcttaacctt cgggagggcg cttaccactt tgtgattcat gactggggtg aagtcgtaac
     1501 aaggtaaccg taggggaacc tgcggttgga tcacctcctt a