LOCUS BLVENVD 375 bp ss-RNA VRL 02-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Bovine leukemia virus (isolate 3010) envelope glycoprotein (env) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION M35241 KEYWORDS envelope glycoprotein. SOURCE Bovine leukemia virus (isolate 3010; from bovine tumor) RNA. ORGANISM Bovine leukemia virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Retroviridae; Oncovirinae; Type C oncovirus group; Mammalian type C oncoviruses. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 375) AUTHORS Mamoun,R.Z., Morisson,M., Rebeyrotte,N., Busetta,B., Couez,D., Kettmann,R., Hospital,M. and Guillemain,B. TITLE Sequence variability of bovine leukemia virus env gene and its relevance to the structure and antigenicity of the glycoproteins JOURNAL J. Virol. 64, 4180-4188 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted by R.Z.Mamoun, 15-JUN-1990, for release after publication. FEATURES from to/span description pept < 1 > 375 envelope glycoprotein (env) precursor (gpr72) (AA at 2) sigp < 1 79 envelope glycoprotein signal peptide matp 80 > 375 SU protein (gp51) site 51 51 splice donor for pX gene BASE COUNT 95 a 122 c 77 g 81 t ORIGIN 1 ccgaagacgc ccacaaccga tcatcagatg ggtaagtctc actctcactc tcctcgctct 61 ctgtcagccc atccagactt ggagatgctc cctgtcccta ggaaaccaac aatggatgac 121 agcatataac caagaggcaa aattttccat ctccattgac caaatactag aggctcacaa 181 tcaatcacct ttctgtgcca agtctcccag atacaccttg gactttgtaa atggctatcc 241 caagatctac tggccccccc cacaagggcg gcgccgattt ggagccaggg ccatggtcac 301 atatgattgc gagccccgat gcccttatgt gggagcagat cgcttcgact gcccccactg 361 ggacaatgcc tccca //