[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M25906

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/06/90)

LOCUS       MHVGLYE1      183 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       06-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Murine hepatitis virus A59 glycoprotein E1 mRNA, 5' end.
KEYWORDS    glycoprotein E1.
SOURCE      Murine hepatitis virus A59, cDNA to mRNA.
  ORGANISM  Murine hepatitis virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; 
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 183)
  AUTHORS   Niemann,H., Heisterberg-Moutsis,G., Geyer,R., Klenk,H.-D. and
  TITLE     Glycoprotein E1 of MHV-A59: Structure of the O-linked carbohydrates
            and construction of full length recombinant cDNA clones
  JOURNAL   Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 173, 201-213 (1984)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept         76  >   183     glycoprotein E1
BASE COUNT       49 a     46 c     35 g     53 t
        1 cctataagag tgattggcgt ccgtacgtac cctctcaact ctaaactctt gtagtttaaa
       61 tctaatccaa acattatgag tagtactact caggccccag agcccgtcta tcaatggacg
      121 gccgacgagg cagttcaatt ccttaaggaa tggaacttct cgttgggcat tatactactc
      181 ttt