[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M26843

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/11/90)

LOCUS       YSCLSC        117 bp ss-tRNA            RNA       11-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  S.cerevisiae SUP53 Leu-tRNA.
KEYWORDS    transfer RNA-Leu.
SOURCE      S.cerevisiae tRNA.
  ORGANISM  Saccharomyces cerevisiae
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Eumycota; Hemiascomycetes; 
            Endomycetales; Saccharomycetaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 117)
  AUTHORS   Newman,A.J., Ogden,R.C. and Abelson,J.
  TITLE     tRNA gene transcription in yeast: Effects of specified base
            substitutions in the intragenic promoter
  JOURNAL   Cell 35, 117-125 (1983)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    tRNA          1      117     Leu-tRNA
BASE COUNT       31 a     25 c     30 g     31 t
        1 ggttgtttgg ccgagcgctc taaggcgcct gattctagaa atatcttgac cgcagttaac
       61 tgtgggaata ctcaggtatc gtaagatgca agagttggaa tctcttagca accacca