[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M37228

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/11/90)

LOCUS       BPEVRG18      536 bp ds-DNA             BCT       11-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  B.pertussis vrg-18 gene, complete cds.
KEYWORDS    vrg-18.
SOURCE      B.pertussis (strain 18323) DNA, clone pSK18P.
  ORGANISM  Bordetella pertussis
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; 
            Aerobic rods and cocci; Alcaligenaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 536)
  AUTHORS   Beattie,D.T., Knapp,S. and McKalanos,J.J.
  TITLE     Evidence that modulation requires sequences downstream of the
            promoters of two vir-repressed genes of Bordetella pertussis
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted
            by D.T.Beattie, 30-JUL-1990.
               Author address:  D.T.Beattie
               Harvard Medical School
               Dept. Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Bldg. D1,
               200 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115, USA
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept        467  >   536     vrg-18 product
    site        536      536     TuphoA fusion junction
BASE COUNT       88 a    178 c    178 g     92 t
        1 gtgcggcaaa accccttcga actgatctgc ggcgacgtgt tcgcgctgga agacgccacg
       61 ctggccgcct gcgccggcgt gtacgaccgc gccgcgctgg tgcgcgtgcc cgagcccatg
      121 cgcaagcgct acgcttgcga ggtctatggc cgcctgggcc ggggctgccg gggcatcctc
      181 atcacgctgg actatccgca gaccagatgg aaggtccgcc cttttccgtg gacgacgccg
      241 aagtgcaggc gctgtatgcc ggccataccg aagcccgcct gatcgaccgg cgcgacatcc
      301 tcgacaagga gcccaagttc aaccagcgcg gcgtggccgg ctggacacgc tggtataccg
      361 gctcgaacgc ctgggctgag cgcggcgatg ctgccgcttg ttaccgacat ccatgcctgg
      421 tagcgatggg cgagcctaca cttgcgccgt ctggaacaac aggaatatgg gcatgaaatc
      481 gatactcggg ctgttgcttg ccgcggcgct gctgggcggc tgtgccgtct ataccc