scc@jenny.UUCP (Stephen Crawley) (09/12/85)
Index: usr.bin/tip/tip.c 4.2BSD Description: Tip does not do flow control properly on the remote terminal when the "tandem" variable is set. Someone forgot that setting a tty into RAW mode on 4.2 overrides TANDEM. Repeat-By: Start up tip to somewhere, set "tandem", and look at the state of the "remote" terminal (as root) with the command stty everything >/dev/ttynn ^^^^^^^^^^ substitute appropriate device file Notice that both raw and tandem are indicated If you have a slow device which uses Xon-Xoff protocol to exert backpressure (a CAMTEC X25 pad will do), start up tip through this device, try to write a file and watch it drop characters. Fix: The fix is to use CBREAK mode rather than RAW mode on the remote tty. Below are the diffs for tip.c. I apologise if they don't quite line up with your sources. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RCS file: RCS/tip.c,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -c -r1.2 tip.c *** /tmp/,RCSt1019726 Wed Sep 11 21:43:08 1985 --- tip.c Mon Sep 9 22:15:40 1985 *************** *** 414,419 int speed; { unsigned bits = LDECCTQ; arg.sg_ispeed = arg.sg_ospeed = speed; arg.sg_flags = RAW; --- 414,421 ----- int speed; { unsigned bits = LDECCTQ; + struct ltchars rmltchars; + struct tchars rmtchars; rmtchars.t_intrc = rmtchars.t_quitc = -1; rmtchars.t_eofc = rmtchars.t_brkc = -1; *************** *** 415,420 { unsigned bits = LDECCTQ; arg.sg_ispeed = arg.sg_ospeed = speed; arg.sg_flags = RAW; if (boolean(value(TAND))) --- 417,429 ----- struct ltchars rmltchars; struct tchars rmtchars; + rmtchars.t_intrc = rmtchars.t_quitc = -1; + rmtchars.t_eofc = rmtchars.t_brkc = -1; + rmtchars.t_startc = '\021'; + rmtchars.t_stopc = '\023'; + rmltchars.t_suspc = rmltchars.t_dsuspc = rmltchars.t_rprntc = -1; + rmltchars.t_flushc = rmltchars.t_werasc = rmltchars.t_lnextc = -1; + arg.sg_ispeed = arg.sg_ospeed = speed; arg.sg_flags = ANYP | CBREAK; if (boolean(value(TAND))) *************** *** 416,422 unsigned bits = LDECCTQ; arg.sg_ispeed = arg.sg_ospeed = speed; ! arg.sg_flags = RAW; if (boolean(value(TAND))) arg.sg_flags |= TANDEM; ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, (char *)&arg); --- 425,431 ----- rmltchars.t_flushc = rmltchars.t_werasc = rmltchars.t_lnextc = -1; arg.sg_ispeed = arg.sg_ospeed = speed; ! arg.sg_flags = ANYP | CBREAK; if (boolean(value(TAND))) arg.sg_flags |= TANDEM; ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, (char *)&arg); *************** *** 421,426 arg.sg_flags |= TANDEM; ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, (char *)&arg); ioctl(FD, TIOCLBIS, (char *)&bits); } /* --- 430,437 ----- arg.sg_flags |= TANDEM; ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, (char *)&arg); ioctl(FD, TIOCLBIS, (char *)&bits); + ioctl(FD, TIOCSETC, (char *)&rmtchars); + ioctl(FD, TIOCSLTC, (char *)&rmltchars); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephen C. Crawley ARPA: SMail: Cambridge Univ. Computer Lab., JANET: Corn Exchange Street, UUCP: {ukc,kcl-cs}!cl-jenny!scc Cambridge CB2 3QG, PHONE: +44 223 352 435 England.
scc@jenny.UUCP (Stephen Crawley) (09/19/85)
In <8509160749.AA01327@utah-gr.ARPA> Spencer Thomas writes :- >====== > You misunderstand TANDEM mode. TANDEM has NOTHING to do with what the > host does on receipt of ^S/^Q. If TANDEM is set, the host will GENERATE > ^S when its internal tty queue gets too full, and will GENERATE ^Q when > the queue empties somewhat. This is completely independent of ^S/^Q > flow control received from the host. You are correct that the host will > not respond to ^S/^Q in RAW mode, but TANDEM works perfectly well in > RAW. >====== You are of course right, my explanation was incorrect. However, the bug fix is still (I believe) correct, and necessary if you are tipping over a line which uses X-ON/X-OFF flow control. -- Steve