LOCUS BFRREGRA 88 bp ss-RNA PHG 15-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Bacteriophage fr replicase gene, 5' end. ACCESSION M34834 KEYWORDS replicase. SOURCE Bacteriophage fr DNA. ORGANISM Bacteriophage fr Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses; Leviviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 88) AUTHORS Berzin,V.M., Gribanov,V.A., Cielens,I.E., Jansone,I.V. and Gren,E.J. TITLE The nucleotide sequence of the regulatory region of phage fr replicase cistron JOURNAL Bioorg. Khim. 7, 306-308 (1981) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES from to/span description pept 54 > 88 replicase BASE COUNT 31 a 22 c 16 g 19 t ORIGIN 1 caaactccgg catctactaa tagacgccgg ccattgaaac atgaggatta cccatgtcga 61 agacaacaaa gaagttcaac tctttatg //