LOCUS CHKCETSS2 156 bp ds-DNA VRT 15-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Chicken c-ets protein gene, exon 2. ACCESSION M29508 KEYWORDS ets protein; proto-oncogene. SEGMENT 2 of 9 SOURCE Chicken DNA (libraries of B.Patterson and T.Robins), clone pER4. ORGANISM Gallus gallus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Aves; Neornithes; Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 156) AUTHORS Watson,D.K., McWilliams,M.J. and Papas,T.S. TITLE molecular organization of the chicken ets locus JOURNAL Virology 164, 99-105 (1988) STANDARD unannotated staff_entry FEATURES from to/span description pept + 10 + 151 c-ets protein, exon 2 pre-msg < 1 > 156 c-ets protein mRNA and introns IVS < 1 9 c-ets protein intron A IVS 152 > 156 c-ets protein intron B BASE COUNT 28 a 49 c 53 g 26 t ORIGIN 1 gcccagaagc aaggtgctag cagctgctgt gaggacccct ggatgccatg caggctgcag 61 tctgcctgct gcccgcccag gtcgtgttgc ccgccgtggg atgaggcggc catccaggaa 121 gttcccactg gcctggagca ctacagcaca ggtagg //