[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M38284

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/18/90)

LOCUS       TBEGFR        697 bp ds-DNA             VRL       18-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Tick-borne encephalitis virus DNA fragment.
SOURCE      Tick-borne encephalitis virus (Far-East, type 1, strain Sofin),
            cDNA to viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Tick-borne encephalitis virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; 
            Flaviviridae; Flavivirus (arbovirus group B).
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 697)
  AUTHORS   Chumakov,M.P., Kusov,Y.Y., Rubin,S.G., Salnikov,Y.A.,
            Semashko,I.V., Georgiev,G.P., Chumakov,P.M., Grachev,M.A.,
            Shamanin,V.A. and Pletnev,A.G.
  TITLE     Cloning and sequencing of DNA copies of tick-borne encephalitis
            virus genome fragments
  JOURNAL   Bioorg. Khim. 9, 276-279 (1983)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT      148 a    149 c    243 g    157 t
        1 acctctcagg gaggctcttt gtgcgctcgc cgtagcttcg ttcctcctgc tcatgctggt
       61 gctagggaca aggaagatgc agttagtggc tgaatggagt ggctgtgtgg agtggcaccc
      121 agaactaatg aatgaaggtg gagaggtgag cctgcgggtc cggcaggatt caatggggaa
      181 cttccacctg acagagcttg agaaagagga aagagtgatg gctttttggc tgctggcagg
      241 actggcggct tcagccttcc actggtccgg catccttggt gtgatgggat tgtggacgct
      301 ttcagaaatg ctgagaacgg ctcgaagatc aggcttggtc ttctctggac aaggaggacg
      361 tgagcgtggt gacaggccct ttgaggtcaa ggatggcgtg tacagaatct tcagcccagg
      421 actgctttgg gggcagcgtc aagtgggagt tggctatggt tccaaaggtg tcctacacac
      481 gatgtggcat gtgacgagag gggcggcgtt gtccattgat gacgccgtcg caggccctat
      541 tgggctgatg tcaaagagga cgttgtatgc tacggcggag cctggagtct tgaggagaag
      601 tggaaaggtg agacagtgca ggtccatgcc tttccaccgg ggagagctca tgaggtgcat
      661 caatgtcagc ccggagaact gctcctggac acaggta