[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M25633

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/18/90)

LOCUS       SULTROPCB      91 bp ds-DNA             INV       18-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Sea urchin (L.pictus) troponin C superfamily gene, partial cds.
KEYWORDS    troponin C superfamily.
SOURCE      Sea urchin (L.pictus) DNA, clone lambda-LpCaM1.
  ORGANISM  Lytechinus pictus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Eumetazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; 
            Echinoidea; Echinacea; Temnopleuroida; Toxopneustidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 91)
  AUTHORS   Hardin,S.H., Keast,M.J., Hardin,P.E. and Klein,W.H.
  TITLE     Use of consensus oligonucleotides for detecting and isolating
            nucleic acids encoding calcium binding domains of the troponin C
  JOURNAL   Biochemistry 26, 3518-3523 (1987)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept    <     1  /    83     troponin C gene, exon x (AA at 1)
    IVS          84  >    91     troponin C intron X+1
BASE COUNT       36 a     12 c     26 g     17 t
        1 aagaagatga aagacacaga tagcgaagaa gagatcaggg aagcattcag agtctttgac
       61 aaggatggta acggattcat caggttagct a