LOCUS MUSREPA 261 bp ds-DNA ROD 11-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Mouse dihydrofolate reductase promoter region DNA. ACCESSION M37141 KEYWORDS dihydrofolate reductase. SOURCE Mouse S180M500 cell line DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 261) AUTHORS Smith,M.L., Mitchell,P.J. and Crouse,G.F. TITLE Analysis of the mouse dhfr/rep-1 major promoter region using linker-scanning and internal deletion mutants and DNase I footprinting JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted by G.F.Crouse, 25-JUL-1990. BASE COUNT 42 a 74 c 102 g 43 t ORIGIN 1 gcggccgcac tttctcgcgc ctgccggcgc acgcctcaac ctgtgcggga ccggccttgg 61 gggcggagcc ttagctacac aaatagaatg cgcggcgggc cttggtgggg gcggggcctt 121 agctgcacaa ataggatgcg cggcgggcct tggtaggggc ggagccttag ctgcacaaat 181 aggatgcgcg gcgggccttg gtgggggcgg ggcctaagct gcgcaagtgg tacacagctc 241 agggctgcga tttcgcgcca a // (09/20/90)
LOCUS MUSREPA 261 bp ds-DNA ROD 20-SEP-1990 DEFINITION Mouse dihydrofolate reductase promoter region DNA. ACCESSION M37141 KEYWORDS dihydrofolate reductase. SOURCE Mouse S180M500 cell line DNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 261) AUTHORS Smith,M.L., Mitchell,P.J. and Crouse,G.F. TITLE Analysis of the mouse dhfr/rep-1 major promoter region using linker-scanning and internal deletion mutants and DNase I footprinting JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1] kindly submitted by G.F.Crouse, 25-JUL-1990. BASE COUNT 42 a 74 c 102 g 43 t ORIGIN 1 gcggccgcac tttctcgcgc ctgccggcgc acgcctcaac ctgtgcggga ccggccttgg 61 gggcggagcc ttagctacac aaatagaatg cgcggcgggc cttggtgggg gcggggcctt 121 agctgcacaa ataggatgcg cggcgggcct tggtaggggc ggagccttag ctgcacaaat 181 aggatgcgcg gcgggccttg gtgggggcgg ggcctaagct gcgcaagtgg tacacagctc 241 agggctgcga tttcgcgcca a //