[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION M38610

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/22/90)

LOCUS       HUMINS1        76 bp ds-DNA             SYN       22-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Synthetic human insulin alpha chain DNA, 3' end.
KEYWORDS    insulin.
SEGMENT     1 of 2
SOURCE      Synthetic DNA.
  ORGANISM  Artificial gene
            Artificial sequences; Genes.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 76)
  AUTHORS   Park,B.C., Lim,H.S., Kim,M.H. and Lee,D.-S.
  TITLE     Study of human insulin: I. Synthesis and cloning of genes for human
            insulin A and B chains
  JOURNAL   Korean Biochem. J. 21, 214-220 (1988)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept    <     1       66     insulin alpha chain (AA at 1)
BASE COUNT       19 a     21 c     19 g     17 t
        1 ggcattgtgg aacaatgctg taccagcatc tgctccctct accagctgga gaactactgc
       61 aactagtgag ctcgag