[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] ACCESSION K01607

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/23/90)

LOCUS       SLMRGI        979 bp ds-DNA             PLN       23-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Slime mold (P.polycephalum) rRNA gene, 5' end and flank
            (transcription initiation sequence).
KEYWORDS    ribosomal RNA; transcription initiation.
SOURCE      Slime mold (P. polycephalum, strain a x i), DNA.
  ORGANISM  Physarum polycephalum
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Myxomycota; Myxomycetes; 
            Myxogastromycetidae; Physarales; Physaraceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 979)
  AUTHORS   Johnson,E.M.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1984) Rockefeller U., New York, NY 10021.
  STANDARD  simple staff_review
COMMENT     Submitted by the author, who has submitted it for publication with
            the following abstract:
                 In cloned rDNA segments of Physarum polycephalum, strain a x i
            sequences sufficient for proper transcription initiation in vitro
            are located within -93 to +85 nucleotides of the start site. A
            sequence of 978 nucleotides including this region is presented. A
            comparison of initiation-promoter region sequences from strains a x
            i and M3CVIII (B. Blum et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 8519-8531)
            reveals blocks of homology separated by intervening unshared
            sequences. The sequence at the initiation site (-12 to +2) is
            nearly identical in these strains and is flanked by unshared
            regions. A sequence pattern resembling this segment is found
            throughout rDNA of eukaryotes within the region -12 to +4. An
            aspect of this pattern, most strongly represented in lower
            eukaryotes, consists of alternating A residues in the form (AX)n,
            where n = 2-8. Of 15 compared initiation sequences, 100% possess a
            TA pair within 5 nucleotides of the start site in a relatively
            conserved 4-nucleotide tract. The sequence presented begins at -93
            as the first nucleotide, where +1 is the transcription initiation
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    RNA          94  >    94     precursor RNA
    site        181      248     putative VECTOR sequence lambda
BASE COUNT      227 a    256 c    266 g    230 t
        1 ctcgacatag acaatgcgta cctcaacgga gacatagata cagacctgta catgatccac
       61 ctcaaggtgg acatgggacg acggatacag tagagaacag ggatacgtgc tcaaggctga
      121 acaagagcct ctacggcatc aagcaagcag gacacatttg gaattccaca atccacgcct
      181 actgtgtccg gaaaccgcgg acaactggta tcccagtggc ctaacgaaca gttcaccgtt
      241 aaaggcgttt ttccacaggc atgttgctct gccgggctaa ccccggtggg acaaaaacct
      301 tgttaatcca agccataaac actcgtatac ccctaaaagg gacccgatgt ggaggtgggg
      361 gggagacgcc acttaacggc ggtgttctcc tttcctatcg cccttcgccg ccctatatta
      421 ctgttggccg ctgtgcaacc ccggggctct cttaggccaa ttagtcactt ggcccaagag
      481 tacgcgcagt taacagttgg gttggctagg tccgagagtc tcaattaagt gtgttagctc
      541 actagttagg tcagcccagg gtgcttactc gtagtccttc cggctcgtag tatgtgtgga
      601 agattagata taatttaagg tggatggagg cgtatggaac tcgttcgtgt ggctatgcac
      661 catccggggc gcttcgaacc gcattgtctg ctcggacaaa acaatgacgg aacccctttc
      721 tgtcggcaac cgtgaagcaa gcgcgtatct cttctttctt ttccccgttg actttaaccg
      781 gttccggcgt ggttggggga ggtggggtac cgcttggatt ctgtcggatc gcgaaacacg
      841 ttctcaaaac accagtgtag agacctctct cctccgtgcg aatcagttgg gcacaacgca
      901 gattccgatc ctgtagtgag cgtctggcgg gtaaacgtgg tttcgtgaca ttcggccatt
      961 cgaacggccg ggagtcgac