[net.bugs.4bsd] 4.?bsd printf

ado@elsie.UUCP (Arthur David Olson) (12/03/85)

Index:		man/man3/printf.3s Fix

	According to the manual page, if printf's "g" format is used,
	"The float or double arg is printed in style d, in style f, or in
	style e, whichever gives full precision in minimum space."
	This is not always true.

	Giving these commands to the shell:
		echo 'main() { printf("%.0g\n", 0.0006); }' > try.c
		cc try.c
	and noting that the output is
	rather than the shorter

	Since the actual behavior of printf seems to be what may
	eventually become standard, the fix in this case is to change the

	Make this change to "man/man3/printf.3s", where the text to be
	replaced appears between ".ig" and ".." directives, and the text
	to be added appears between ".NU" and ".." directives.  As usual,
	the trade secret status of the material involved precludes a
	clearer posting.

	.BR e ,
	whichever gives full precision in minimum space.
	.. New stuff follows
	.BR e .
	The style used depends on the value converted; style
	.B e
	will be used only if the exponent resulting from the conversion is less
	.B \-4
	or greater than the precision.
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