[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Figure 3. V-kappa nucleotide sequences.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/29/90)

LOCUS       M38233        255 bp ds-DNA             UNA       29-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Figure 3. V-kappa nucleotide sequences.
  ORGANISM  Unknown
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 255)
  AUTHORS   Bonilla,F.A., Zaghouani,H., Rubin,M. and Bona,C.
  TITLE     V-kappa gene usage, idiotype expression, and antigen binding amoung
            clones expressing the V-H-X24 gene family derived from naive and
            anti-idiotype immune BALB/c mice
  JOURNAL   J. Immunol. 145, 616-622 (1990)
  STANDARD  unannotated staff_entry
BASE COUNT       69 a     60 c     59 g     66 t      1 others
        1 ggagatcaag cctncatctc ttgcagatct agtcagagcc ttgtacacag taatggaaac
       61 acctatttac attggtacct gcagaagcca agccagtctc caaagctcct gatctacaaa
      121 gtttccaacc gattttctgg ggtcccagac aggttcagtg gcagtggatc agggacagat
      181 ttcacactta agatcagcag agtggaggct gaggatctgg gagtttattt ctgctctcaa
      241 agtacacatg ttcct