[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Figure 7. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/29/90)

LOCUS       M38449        650 bp ds-DNA             UNA       29-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Figure 7. Nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid sequence of
            the mature peptide region of TGF-beta cDNA and nucleotide sequence
            of 3'-untranslated region of this cDNA.
  ORGANISM  Unknown
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 650)
  AUTHORS   Urushizaki,Y., Niitsu,Y., Terui,T., Koshida,Y., Mahara,K.,
            Kohgo,Y., Urushizaki,I., Takahashi,Y. and Ito,H.
  TITLE     Cloning and expression of the gene for human transforming growth
            factor-beta in Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   Tumor Res. 22, 41-55 (1987)
  STANDARD  unannotated staff_entry
BASE COUNT      108 a    244 c    179 g    119 t
        1 gccctggaca ccaactattg cttcagctcc acggagaaga actgctgcgt gcggcagctg
       61 tacattgact tccgcaagga cctcggctgg aagtggatcc acgagcccaa gggctaccat
      121 gccaacttct gcctcgggcc ctgcccctac atttggagcc tggacacgca gtacagcaag
      181 gtcctggccc tgtacaacca gcataacccg ggcgcctcgg cggcgccgtg ctgcgtgccg
      241 caggcgctgg agccgctgcc catcgtgtac tacgtgggcc gcaagcccaa ggtggagcag
      301 ctgtccaaca tgatcgtgcg ctcctgcaag tgcagctgag gtcccgcccc gccccgcccc
      361 gccccggcag gcccggcccc accccgcccc gcccccgctg ccttgcccat gggggctgta
      421 tttaaggaca ccgtgcccca agcccacctg gggccccatt aaagatggag agaggactgc
      481 ggatctctgt gtcattgggc gcctgcctgg ggtctccatc cctgacgttc ccccactccc
      541 actccctctc tctccctctc tgcctcctcc tgcctgtctg cactattcct ttgcccggca
      601 tcaaggcaca ggggaccagt ggggaacact actgtagtta gatccccggg