[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Figure 4. Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal regions of 16S RNA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (09/29/90)

LOCUS       M38503        667 bp ds-DNA             UNA       29-SEP-1990
DEFINITION  Figure 4. Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal regions of 16S RNA
            of E. coli and the 18S RNA from eukaryotic organisms.
  ORGANISM  Unknown
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 667)
  AUTHORS   Skryabin,K.G., Kraev,A.S., Rubtsov,P.M. and Baev,A.A.A.
  TITLE     complete nucleotide sequence of the spacer region situated between
            the 18s and 5.8s rnas of yeasts
  JOURNAL   Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 247, 278-281 (1979)
  STANDARD  unannotated staff_entry
BASE COUNT      197 a    125 c    149 g    196 t
        1 aattcctagt aagcgcaagt catcagcttg cgttgattac gtccctgccc tttgtacaca
       61 ccgcccgtcg ctagtaccca ttgaatggct tagtgaggcc tcaggatctg cttagagaag
      121 ggggcaactc catctcagag cggagaattt ggacaaactt ggtcatttgg aggaactaaa
      181 agtcgtaaca aggtttccgt aggtgaacct gcggaaggat cattaaaaga aatttaataa
      241 ttttgaaaat ggattttttt gttttggcaa gagcacagag cttttactgg gcaagaagac
      301 aagagatgga gagtccagcc gggccgcgct taagtgcgcg gtcttgctag gcttgtaagt
      361 ttctttcttg ctattccaaa cggtgagaga tttctgtgct tttgttatag gacaattaaa
      421 accgtttcaa tacaacaaac tgtggagttt tcatatcttt gcaacttttt ctttgggcat
      481 tcgagcaatc ggggcccaga ggtagcaaac acaaacaatt ttatctattc attaaatttt
      541 tgtcaaaaac aagaattttc gtaactggaa attttaaaat attaaaaact ttcaacaacg
      601 gatctcttgg ttctcgcatc gatgaagaac gcagcgaaat gcgatacgta atgtgaattg
      661 cagaatt