[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] 3. Nucleotide Sequence of Vh3609.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (10/04/90)

LOCUS       M54924        234 bp ds-DNA             UNA       04-OCT-1990
DEFINITION  3. Nucleotide Sequence of Vh3609.
ACCESSION   M54924 M38544
  ORGANISM  Unknown
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 234)
  AUTHORS   Brodeur,P.H., Thompson,M. and Ann Riblet,R.
  TITLE     the content and organzation of mouse igh-v families-1
  JOURNAL   (in) Cantor,H., Chess,L. and Sercarz,E. (Eds.);
            Regulation of the Immune System: 445-453;
            Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York (1984).
  STANDARD  unannotated staff_entry
BASE COUNT       54 a     60 c     57 g     63 t
        1 tgttctttct ctgggttttc actgagcact tctggtatgg gtgtgagctc gattcgtaag
       61 ccttcaggaa agggtctgga gtggctggca cacattttct gggatgatga caagcgctat
      121 aacccatccc tgaagagccg gctcacaatc tccaaggata cctccagcaa ccaggtattc
      181 ctcatgatca ccagtgtgga tagctcagat actgccacat actactgtgc tcga