[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Synthetic S.cerevisiae mitochondrial ATPase subunit 8 gene,

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (11/04/90)

LOCUS       YSCNAP1A      170 bp ds-DNA             SYN       04-NOV-1990
DEFINITION  Synthetic S.cerevisiae mitochondrial ATPase subunit 8 gene,
            complete cds.
KEYWORDS    mitochondrial ATPase subunit 8.
SOURCE      Synthetic oglionucleotide DNA.
  ORGANISM  Artificial gene
            Artificial sequences; Genes.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 170)
  AUTHORS   Gearing,D.P., McMullen,G.L. and Nagley,P.
  TITLE     Chemical synthesis of a mitochondrial gene designed for expression
            in the yeast nucleus
  JOURNAL   Biochem. Int. 10, 907-915 (1985)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept         13      159     mitochondrial ATPase subunit 8 (NAP1)
BASE COUNT       35 a     43 c     29 g     63 t
        1 ccggatccca gcatgcctca attggttcca ttctacttca tgaaccaatt gacctacggt
       61 ttcttgttga tgatcacctt gttgatcttg ttctcccaat tcttcttgcc aatgatcttg
      121 agattgtacg tttccagatt gttcatctct aagttgtaat gaggatcccc