[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Hepatitis B virus serotype-specific major neutralization protein

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (11/06/90)

LOCUS       HPBVP7        467 bp ds-DNA             VRL       06-NOV-1990
DEFINITION  Hepatitis B virus serotype-specific major neutralization protein
            (VP7) gene, partial cds.
KEYWORDS    protein X.
SOURCE      Hepatitis B virus protein X gene, complete cds.
  ORGANISM  Hepatitis B virus
            Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Hepadnaviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 467)
  AUTHORS   Kim,C. and Yu,M.-H.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequence determination and expression of X open reading
            frame of a Hepatitis B virus adr subtype
  JOURNAL   Korean Biochem. J. 21, 332-338 (1988)
  STANDARD  simple staff_review
FEATURES       from  to/span     description
    pept          1      465     protein X
BASE COUNT       84 a    143 c    122 g    118 t
        1 atggctgctc ggatgtgctg ccaactggat cctgcgcggg acgtcctttg tctacgtccc
       61 gtcggcgctg aatcccgcgg acgacccgtc tcggggccgt ttgggcctct accgtcccct
      121 tcttcatctg ccgttccggc cgaccacggg gcgcacctct ctttacgcgg tctccccgtc
      181 tgtgccttct catctaccgg accgtgtgca cttcgcttca cctctgcacg tcgcatggag
      241 accaccgtga acgcccacca ggtcttgccc aaggtcttac ataagaggac tcttggactc
      301 tcagcaatgt caacgaccga ccttgaggca tacttcaaag actgtttgtt taaagactgg
      361 gaggagttgg gggaggagat taggttaaag gtctttgtac taggaggctg taggcataaa
      421 ttggtctgtg caccagcacc atgcaacttt ttcacctctg cctaatc