[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Figure 1. Comparison of nucleotide sequence of 5S rRNA from

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (12/20/90)

LOCUS       CHHRR5S       120 bp ss-rRNA           RNA       120-DEC-1990
DEFINITION  Figure 1. Comparison of nucleotide sequence of 5S rRNA from
            Chaetomorpha moniligera.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      C.moniligera ribosomal RNA.
  ORGANISM  Chaetomorpha moniligera
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Chlorophycota; Chlorophyceae;
            Cladophorales; Cladophoraceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Johng,T.-., Joung,Y. and Park,I.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence and the secondary structure of 5S rRNA from
            green alga Chaetomorpha moniligera
  JOURNAL   Kor. Biochem. J. 20, 83-86 (1987)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..120
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       32 a     30 c     31 g     27 t
        1 gcgctacggc cataccagcg agaaagcttc agatcccatc agaactctgc aaataagctc
       61 gtttgggcgc cactagtaac agggttagta ataacctgtg aacctggtgt gctgtagtgc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (12/22/90)

LOCUS       CHHRR5S       120 bp  ss-rRNA           RNA       22-DEC-1990
DEFINITION  Figure 1. Comparison of nucleotide sequence of 5S rRNA from
            Chaetomorpha moniligera.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      C.moniligera ribosomal RNA.
  ORGANISM  Chaetomorpha moniligera
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Chlorophycota; Chlorophyceae;
            Cladophorales; Cladophoraceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Johng,T.-., Joung,Y. and Park,I.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence and the secondary structure of 5S rRNA from
            green alga Chaetomorpha moniligera
  JOURNAL   Kor. Biochem. J. 20, 83-86 (1987)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..120
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       32 a     30 c     31 g     27 t
        1 gcgctacggc cataccagcg agaaagcttc agatcccatc agaactctgc aaataagctc
       61 gtttgggcgc cactagtaac agggttagta ataacctgtg aacctggtgt gctgtagtgc