[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Rat skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin 1 and fibroblast tropomyosin 1

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (01/16/91)

LOCUS       RATTRO09       95 bp ds-DNA             ROD       16-JAN-1991
DEFINITION  Rat skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin 1 and fibroblast tropomyosin 1
            gene, exon 8.
ACCESSION   L00380 M12080 M14127
KEYWORDS    alternate splicing; tropomyosin.
SEGMENT     9 of 11
SOURCE      Rat adult rat skeletal muscle, cDNA to mRNA, clone pRSkM-22 [Mol.
            Cell. Biol. 6, 3582-3595 (1986)]; embryonic fibroblast, cDNA to
            mRNA [J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14440-14445 (1985)]; DNA, library of
            R.O.Hynes [Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 3582-3595 (1986)].
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 95)
  AUTHORS   Helfman,D.M., Cheley,S., Kuismanen,E., Finn,L.A. and
  TITLE     Nonmuscle and muscle tropomyosin isoforms are expressed from a
            single gene by alternative RNA splicing and polyadenylation
  JOURNAL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 3582-3595 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 16 to 85)
  AUTHORS   Valiante,N.M. and Caton,A.J.
  TITLE     A new Igk-V gene family in the mouse
  JOURNAL   Immunogenetics 32, 345-350 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     precursor_RNA   <1..>95
                     /note="beta mRNA and intron"
     precursor_RNA   <1..>95
                     /note="trop1 mRNA and intron"
     intron          <1..15
                     /note="beta intron G"
     intron          <1..15
                     /note="trop1 intron G"
     exon            16..85
                     /note="skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin, exon 8"
     exon            16..85
                     /note="embryonic fibroblast tropomyosin 1, exon 8"
     intron          86..>95
                     /note="beta intron H"
     intron          86..>95
                     /note="trop1 intron H"
BASE COUNT       30 a     17 c     26 g     22 t
ORIGIN      About 100 bp after segment 8.
        1 ccttctttat ttcaggctga gacccgagca gagtttgctg aaagatctgt ggcaaagttg
       61 gagaaaacca tcgatgacct ggaaggtaaa aagga