LOCUS CEACAEVA 264 bp ss-RNA VRL 19-JAN-1991 DEFINITION Caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus tat protein gene, complete cds. ACCESSION M34092 M33674 KEYWORDS tat protein. SOURCE Caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus (strain Cork) RNA, from goat synovial membrane, clone pCol.9. ORGANISM Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Retroviridae; Lentivirinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 264) AUTHORS Jackson,M., Knowles,D., Stem,T., Harwood,W., Robinson,M. and Cheevers,W. TITLE Genetic structure of the pol-env region of the caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus genome JOURNAL Virology 180, 389-394 (1991) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Virology 180, 389-394 (1991)] kindly submitted by W.P.Cheevers, 08-MAY-1990. Author address: W.P.Cheevers Washington State University Dept Veterinary Microbiology Pullman, WA 94164-7040 email: b384@wsuvmsl.bitnet FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..264 /note="tat protein" BASE COUNT 97 a 40 c 80 g 47 t ORIGIN Map position 5856. 1 atgagtgaag aactgcctca aagaagggag acacatccag aagaacttgt aaggaacgta 61 cgggaaagag aaagggatac atggcaatgg acaagcatca gagtacctga ggaaatactg 121 caaagatggc ttgctatgct taggtcaggc agaaatagaa agaaagtgta tagagaaatg 181 caaaaatgga tgtggataca tcccaagggg cctgtgatta gggcctgtgg atgcagacta 241 tgtaacccgg ggtggggaac ataa // (01/19/91)
LOCUS CEACAEVB 264 bp ss-RNA VRL 19-JAN-1991 DEFINITION Caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus tat protein gene, complete cds. ACCESSION M34093 M33675 KEYWORDS tat protein. SOURCE Caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus (strain G63) RNA, from goat synovial membrane, clone pC63-49. ORGANISM Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Retroviridae; Lentivirinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 264) AUTHORS Jackson,M., Knowles,D., Stem,T., Harwood,W., Robinson,M. and Cheevers,W. TITLE Genetic structure of the pol-env region of the caprine arthritis-encephalitis lentivirus genome JOURNAL Virology 180, 389-394 (1991) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Virology 180, 389-394 (1991)] kindly submitted by W.P.Cheevers, 08-MAY-1990. Author address: W.P.Cheevers Washington State University Dept Veterinary Microbiology Pullman, WA 94164-7040 email: b384@wsuvmsl.bitnet FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..264 /note="tat protein" BASE COUNT 99 a 43 c 75 g 47 t ORIGIN Map position 5856. 1 atgagtgaaa gactgcctca aagaagggaa gtacatccag aggaacgtgt aaggaacata 61 tgggaaagag aaagggacac atggcaatgg acaagcatca gagtacctga agaaatactg 121 caaagatggc tcgctatgct taggtcaggc agaaatagaa acaaagtgta tagagaaatg 181 caaaaatgga tgtcgataca tcccaaggcg cctgtgatta ggccttgtgg atgcagacta 241 tgtaacccgg ggtgggaaac ataa //