[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Mouse nuclear protein Krox-24 mRNA, 5' end.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (01/23/91)

LOCUS       MUSKROX24A    390 bp ss-mRNA            ROD       23-JAN-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse nuclear protein Krox-24 mRNA, 5' end.
KEYWORDS    nuclear protein; transcriptional activator.
SOURCE      Mouse, cDNA to mRNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 390)
  AUTHORS   Lemaire,P., Vesque,C., Schmitt,J., Stunnenberg,H., Frank,R. and
  TITLE     The serum-inducible mouse gene Krox-24 encodes a sequence-specific
            transcriptional activator
  JOURNAL   Mol. Cell. Biol. 10, 3456-3467 (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             295..390
                     /product="Krox-24 nuclear protein"
BASE COUNT       60 a    170 c    103 g     57 t
        1 cgagagatcc cagcgcgcag aacttgggga gccgccgccg cgattcgccg ccgccgccag
       61 cttccgccgc cgcaagatcg gcccctgccc cagccctgcc ccagcctccg cggcagccct
      121 gcgtccacca cgggccgcgg ctaccgccag cctgggggcc cacctacact ccccgcagtg
      181 tgcccctgca ccccgcatgt aacccggcca acccccggcg agtgtgccct cagtagcttc
      241 ggccccgggc tgcgcccacc acccaacatc agttctccag ctcgctggtc cgggatggca
      301 gcggccaagg ccgagatgca attgatgtct ccgctgcaga tctctgaccc gttcggctcc
      361 tttcctcact cacccaccat ggacaactac