LOCUS BSTRGB 537 bp ds-DNA BCT 30-JAN-1991 DEFINITION B.stearothermophilus ribosomal protein L6 gene, complete cds. ACCESSION M57622 J05723 KEYWORDS ribosomal protein L6. SOURCE B.stearothermophilus DNA. ORGANISM Bacillus stearothermophilus Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 537) AUTHORS Ramakrishnan,V. and Gerchman,S.E. TITLE Cloning, sequencing, and overexpression of genes for ribosomal proteins from Bacillus stearothermophilus JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 266, 880-885 (1991) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..537 /gene="ribosomal protein L6" /codon_start=1 /product="ribosomal protein L6" BASE COUNT 148 a 132 c 152 g 92 t 13 others ORIGIN 1 atgwsccggg tyggsaaraa rccaattgaa attcctgccg gtgtcaccgt tactgtgaac 61 ggcaataccg ttacggtcaa agggccgaaa ggggaattaa cccgcacgtt ccatccggat 121 atgacgatca ccgttgaggg caatgtgatc accgttacgc gcccaagcga tgaaaaacat 181 caccgcgcgc tccacggcac gacgcgcagc ttgctcgcca acatggtcga aggcgtttcg 241 aaagggtatg aaaaagcgct cgaactcgtt ggtgtcgggt accgggcgtc caaacaaggg 301 aaaaagcttg tgttgagcgt cggttactcc catccggtag aaattgagcc agaggaaggg 361 ctcgaaatcg aagtgccgtc ccaaacgaaa attatcgtca aaggggcaga caaacaacgc 421 gtcggcgaat tggcagccaa cattcgtgct gtacgcccgc cggagccgta taaaggcaaa 481 ggcattcgct acgaaggcga attggtgcgc ctgaargarg gsaaracsgg aaartra //