[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Plasmid pKLH2 and Plasmid pKLH201

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (11/28/90)

LOCUS       PKLMERAD      160 bp ds-DNA   BCT       26-SEP-19928-NOV-1990
DEFINITION  Plasmid pKLH2 and Plasmid pKLH201 (from Acinetobacter) mercury
            resistance (merA) gene, partial cds.
ACCESSION   M54954 M38478
SOURCE      Plasmid pKLH2 and PLasmid pKLH201 (from Acinetobacter) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Acinetobacter sp.
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Neisseriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 160)
  AUTHORS   Lomovskaya,O.L. and Nikiforov,V.G.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences of mercury resistance determinants in bacteria
            from mercury deposits. Detecion of a family of recombinant mercury
            transposons in plasmids of bacteria in the genus Acinetobacter
  JOURNAL   Genetika 24, 1064-1071 (1988)
  STANDARD  simple staff_review
BASE COUNT       31 a     57 c     48 g     24 t
ORIGIN      857 bp downstream from merA start codon
        1 cgcaagcctt gccccggctg ggcagccagg tcacgatcct agctcgcaac acgctgttct
       61 tccgcgacga cccggccatc ggcgaggccg ttacagccgc gttccgtgcc gaagggatca
      121 aggtactgga acacacgcaa gccagccagg tcgcgcatgt

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (01/31/91)

LOCUS       PKLMERAD      160 bp ds-DNA             BCT       31-JAN-1991
DEFINITION  Plasmid pKLH2 and Plasmid pKLH201 (from Acinetobacter) mercury
            resistance (merA) gene, partial cds.
ACCESSION   M54954 M38478
SOURCE      Plasmid pKLH2 and PLasmid pKLH201 (from Acinetobacter) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Acinetobacter sp.
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Neisseriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 160)
  AUTHORS   Lomovskaya,O.L. and Nikiforov,V.G.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences of mercury resistance determinants in bacteria
            from mercury deposits. Detecion of a family of recombinant mercury
            transposons in plasmids of bacteria in the genus Acinetobacter
  JOURNAL   Genetika 24, 1064-1071 (1988)
  STANDARD  simple staff_review
BASE COUNT       31 a     57 c     48 g     24 t
ORIGIN      857 bp downstream from merA start codon
        1 cgcaagcctt gccccggctg ggcagccagg tcacgatcct agctcgcaac acgctgttct
       61 tccgcgacga cccggccatc ggcgaggccg ttacagccgc gttccgtgcc gaagggatca
      121 aggtactgga acacacgcaa gccagccagg tcgcgcatgt