LOCUS CCRSODCZ 833 bp ds-DNA BCT 31-JAN-1991 DEFINITION C.crescentus copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) gene, complete cds. ACCESSION M55259 M37908 KEYWORDS copper-zinc superoxide dismutase. SOURCE C.crescentus (strain CB15) DNA. ORGANISM Caulobacter crescentus Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Budding and/or appendaged bacteria; Prosthecate bacteria. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 833) AUTHORS Steinman,H.M. and Ely,B. TITLE Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase of Caulobacter crescentus: Cloning, sequencing, and mapping of the gene and periplasmic location of the enzyme JOURNAL J. Bacteriol. 172, 2901-2910 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 183..707 /gene="CuZnSOD" /codon_start=183 /product="copper-zinc superoxide dismutase" sig_peptide 183..251 /gene="CuZnSOD" /codon_start=183 mat_peptide 252..704 /gene="CuZnSOD" /codon_start=252 /product="copper-zinc superoxide dismutase" BASE COUNT 137 a 314 c 257 g 125 t ORIGIN 1 tcggggcgat atccccgcgc gaaccgtcag cggggatggt gttgtgatcg tcgctcaagg 61 aatttttcgg ccgtcagaat cgaacacgga actgtccaaa actgttagca ttcggacagg 121 gaagacgcca cctttcgggg ggcttctccc caccgtttcg cttgaatccg aaggaaaaac 181 gcatgatccg tctctccgcc gccgccgcgc tcggcctcgc cgccgccctc gccgcctccc 241 cggccctggc gcagaccagc gcgaccgccg tcgtcaaggc gggcgacggc aaggacgccg 301 gcgcggtgac cgtcaccgaa gccccgcacg gcgtgctcct caagctcgag ctcaagggcc 361 tgacgcccgg ctggcacgcc gcgcatttcc acgagaaggg cgactgcggg accccggact 421 tcaagtcggc gggcgcgcac gtccacaccg ccgcgaccac cgtccacggc ctgctgaacc 481 ccgacgccaa cgacagcggc gacttgccga acatcttcgc cgccgcagat ggcgcggcga 541 cggctgaaat ctactcgccg ctcgtttcgc tgaagggcgc cggcggccgc cccgccctgc 601 tggatgcgga cggctcgtcg atcgtcgttc acgccaaccc cgacgatcac aaaactcagc 661 ccatcggcgg cgccggcgcg cgggtggctt gcggggtgat caagtagcca tcatgagcca 721 cctcccatgg cggtccgtcc gccatgggaa agggctctag gccgtttccg ccagcgcctc 781 ttcggcccgc gcgcgctttt ccgtcatggc caccagcgcc acgccgacca tcg //