LOCUS MUSIGLAEP 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H120-2HV. ACCESSION M36235 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H120-2. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 83 a 89 c 78 g 74 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccgta cacgttcgga 301 ggggggacca agctggaaat aaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAEQ 317 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H130-5VK. ACCESSION M36236 KEYWORDS immunoglobin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H130-5. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 317) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>317 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 91 a 76 c 71 g 79 t ORIGIN 1 gatatccaga tgacacagac tacatcctcc ctgtctgcct ctctgggaga cagagtcacc 61 atcagttgca gtgcaagtca gggcattagc aattatttaa actggtatca gcagaaacca 121 gatggaactg ttaaactcct gatctattac acatcaagtt tacactcagg agtcccatca 181 aggttcagtg gcagtgggtc tgggacagat tattctctca ccatcagcaa cctggaacct 241 gaagatattg ccacttacta ttgtcagcag tatagtaagc ttccgtacac gttcggaggg 301 gggaccaagc tggaaat // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAES 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H146-24B1VK. ACCESSION M36238 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H146-24B1. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 83 a 90 c 75 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccact cacgttcggc 301 tcggggacaa agttggaaat aaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAET 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H147-25H1VK. ACCESSION M36239 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H147-25H1. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 84 a 89 c 77 g 74 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccact aacgttcgga 301 ggggggacca agctggaaat aaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAEU 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H163-130F2. ACCESSION M36240 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H163-130-F2. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 78 a 92 c 78 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccgct cacgttcggt 301 gctgggacca agctggagct gaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAEV 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H163-130H9. ACCESSION M36241 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H163-130H9. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 78 a 92 c 78 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccgct cacgttcggt 301 gctgggacca agctggagct gaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAEZ 303 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H220-22. ACCESSION M36245 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H220-22. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 303) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>303 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 82 a 78 c 73 g 70 t ORIGIN 1 tctcacaaat tcatgtccac atcagtagga gacagggtca gcatcacctg caaggccagt 61 caggatgtgg gtactgctgt agcctggtat caacagaaac cagggcaatc tcctaaacta 121 ctgatttact gggcatccac ccggcacact ggagtccctg atcgcttcac aggcagtgga 181 tctgggacag atttcactct caccattagc aatgtgcagt ctgaagactt ggcagattat 241 ttctgtcagc aatatagcag ctatcctcgg acgttcggtg gaggcaccaa gctggaaatc 301 aaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFA 303 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H220-23. ACCESSION M36246 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H220-23. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 303) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>303 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 78 a 71 c 70 g 83 t 1 others ORIGIN 1 tctccatcct ccttatctgc ctctctggga gaaagagtca gtctcacttg tcgggcaagt 61 caggacattg gtagtagctt aaactggctt cagcaggaac cagatggaac tattaaacgc 121 ctgatctacg ccacatccag tttagattct ggtgtcccca aaaggttcag tggcagtagg 181 tctgggtcag attattctct caccatcagc agccttgagt ctgaagattt tgtagactat 241 tactgtctac aatatgctag ttctccgtac acgttcggag gggggaccaa gctgnaaata 301 aaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFC 297 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H220-7. ACCESSION M36248 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H220-7. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 297) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>297 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 78 a 72 c 73 g 69 t 5 others ORIGIN 1 aaattcatgt ccacatcagt aggaganagg gtcagcatca cctgcaaggc cagtcaggat 61 gtgagtactg ctgtagcctg gtatcaacag aaaccaggac aatctcctaa actactgatt 121 tactcggcat cctaccggta cactggagtc cctgatcgct tcactggcag tggatctggg 181 nnggatttca ctttcaccat cagcagtgtg caggctgaag acctggcagt ttattactgt 241 cagcnacatn atagtactcc gtggacgttc ggtggaggca ccaagctgga aatcaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFD 315 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H230-2. ACCESSION M36249 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H230-2. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 315) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>315 /note="Ig heavy-chain V region (AA at 1)" BASE COUNT 83 a 80 c 75 g 77 t ORIGIN 1 gacattgtga tgacccagtc tcacaaattc atgtccacat cagtaggaga cagggtcagc 61 atcacctgca aggccagtca ggatgtgagt actgctgtag cctggtatca acagaaacca 121 ggacaatctc ctaaactact gatttactcg gcatcctacc ggtacactgg agtccctgat 181 cgcttcactg gcagtggatc tgggacggat ttcactttca ccatcagcag tgtgcaggct 241 gaagacctgg cagtttatta ctgtcagcaa cattatagta ctccattcac gttcggctcg 301 gggacaaagt tggaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFE 303 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H230-5. ACCESSION M36250 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H230-5. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 303) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>303 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 77 a 77 c 75 g 74 t ORIGIN 1 gacattgtga tgacccagtc tcacaaattc atgtccacat cagtaggaga cagggtcagc 61 atcacctgca aggccagtca ggatgtgagt actgctgtag cctggtatca acagaaacca 121 ggacaatctc ctaaactact gatttactcg gcatcctacc ggtacactgg agtccctgat 181 cgcttcactg gcagtggatc tgggacggat ttcactttca ccatcagcag tgtgcaggct 241 gaagacctgg cagtttatta ctgtcagcaa cattatagta ctccgtggac gttcggtgga 301 ggc // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFF 318 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H250-6. ACCESSION M36251 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H250-6. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 318) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>318 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 83 a 81 c 77 g 76 t 1 others ORIGIN 1 gacattgtga tgacccagtc tcacaaattc atgtccacat cagtaggaga cagggtcagc 61 atcacctgca aggccagtca ggatgtgagt actgctgtag cctggtatca acagaaacca 121 ggacaatctc ctaaactact gatttactcg gcatcctacc ggtacactgg agtccctgat 181 cgcttcactg gcagtggatc tgggacggat ttcactttca ccatcagcag tgtgcaggct 241 gaagacctgg cagtttatta ctgtcagcaa cattatagta ctccgtgnac gttcggtgga 301 ggcaccaagc tggaaatc // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFH 312 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H280-15. ACCESSION M36253 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H280-15. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 312) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>312 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 72 a 88 c 79 g 73 t ORIGIN 1 gaaaatgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcaatc atgtctgcat ctccagggga aaaggtcacc 61 atgacctgca gggccagctc aagtgtaagt tccagttact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcaggtgcct cccccaaact ctggatttat agcacatcca acttggcttc tggagtccct 181 gctcgcttca gtggcagtgg gtctggcacc tcttactctc tcacaatcag cagtgtggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgccag cagtacagtg gttacccgta cacgttcgga 301 ggggggacca ag // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFI 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H35-C10. ACCESSION M36254 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H35-C10. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 79 a 92 c 77 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccact cacgttcggt 301 gctgggacca agctggagct gaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFJ 302 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H35-C7. ACCESSION M36255 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H35-C7. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 302) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>302 /note="Ig heavy-chain V region (AA at 1)" BASE COUNT 75 a 76 c 77 g 74 t ORIGIN 1 gcttctttgg ctgtgtctct agggcagagg gccaccatat cctgcagagc cagtgaaagt 61 gttgatagtt atggcaatag ttttatgcac tggtaccagc agaaaccagg acagccaccc 121 aaactcctca tctatcgtgc atccaaccta gaatctggga tccctgccag gttcagtggc 181 agtgggtcta ggacagactt caccctcaca attaatcctg tggaggctga tgatgttgca 241 acctattact gtcagcaaag taatgaggat ccgctcacgt tcggtgctgg gaccaagctg 301 ga // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFK 321 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H61-15. ACCESSION M36256 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H61-15. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 321) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>321 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 95 a 75 c 78 g 71 t 2 others ORIGIN 1 gacatcaaga tgacccagtc tccatcctcc atgtatgcnt cgctgggaga gagagtcact 61 atcacttgca aggcgagtca ggacattaaa agctatttaa gctggtacca gcagaaacca 121 tggaaatctc ctaagaccct gatctattat gcaacaagct tggcagatgg ggtcccatca 181 agattcagtg gcagtggatc tgggcaanat tattctctaa ccatcagcag cctggagtct 241 gacgatacag caacttatta ctgtctacag catggtgaga gcccgtacac gttcggaggg 301 gggaccaagc tggaaataaa a // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFL 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H9-A15. ACCESSION M36257 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H9-A15. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 72 a 94 c 76 g 82 t ORIGIN 1 caaattgttc tttcccagtc tccagcagtc atgtctgcat ctcctgggga gaaggtcacc 61 ttgacctgca gtgccagctc aagtgtaagt tccacctact tgtactggta ccagcagaag 121 ccaggatcct cccccaaact ctggatttat agcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gctcgcttca gtggcagtgg gtctgggacc tcttactctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgcctctta tttctgccat cagtggagta gttacccacc gacgttcggt 301 ggaggcacca agctggaaat caaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFM 300 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H9-D3. ACCESSION M36258 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma H9-D3. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 300) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>300 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 81 a 69 c 63 g 87 t ORIGIN 1 cagattacat cctccctgtc tgtctctctg ggagacagag tcaccatcag ttgcagtgca 61 agtcagggca ttaacagtta tttaaactgg tatcagcaga aaccggatgg aactgttaaa 121 ctcctgatct atttcacatc aattttatat tcaggagtcc catcaaggtt cagtggcagt 181 gggtctggga cagattattc tctcaccatc agcaacttgg aacctgaaga tattgccact 241 tactattgtc agcagtatac tattcttcca ttcacgttcg gctcggggac aaagttggaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFN 318 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma IC5-3A4. ACCESSION M36259 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma IC5-3A4. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 318) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>318 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 87 a 80 c 75 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gacattgtga tgacccagtc tcacaaattc atgtccacat cagtaggaga cagggtcagc 61 atcccctgca aggccagtca ggatgtaggt actgctgtag cctggtatca acagaaacca 121 ggacaatctc ctaaaatact gatttactgg gcatccaacc ggcaaattgg agtccctgat 181 cgcttcacag gcagtggatc tgggacagat ttcactctca ccattagcta tgtgcagtct 241 gaagacttgg cagattattt ctgtcagcaa tatagcacct atcccacgtt cggtgctggg 301 accaagctgg agctgaaa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFO 312 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma L11-2E2. ACCESSION M36260 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma L11-2E2. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 312) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>312 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 92 a 76 c 67 g 77 t ORIGIN 1 gacatccaga tgacacagtc tccatcctca ctgtctgcat ctctgggagg caaagtcacc 61 atcacttgca aggcaagcca agacattaac aagtatatag cttggtacca acacaagcct 121 ggaaaaggtc ctaggctgtt catacattat acatctacat tacagccagg catcccatca 181 aggttcagtg gaagtgggtc tgggagacat tattccttca gcatcagcaa cctggagcct 241 gaagatattg caacttatta ttgtctacag tatgataatc ttctgacgtt cggtggaggc 301 accaagctgg aa // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFP 321 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma L2-10C1. ACCESSION M36261 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma L2-10C1. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 321) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>321 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 93 a 77 c 71 g 80 t ORIGIN 1 gatatccaga tgacacagac tacatcctcc ctgtctgcct ctctgggaga cagagtcacc 61 atcagttgca gtgcaagtca gggcattagc aattatttaa actggtatca gcagaaacca 121 gatggaactg ttaaactcct gatctattac acatcaagtt tacactcagg agtcccatca 181 aggttcagtg gcagtgggtc tgggacagat tattctctca ccatcagcaa cctggaacct 241 gaagatattg ccacttacta ttgtcagcag tatagtaagc ttccgtggac gttcggtgga 301 ggcaccaagc tggaaatcaa a // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAFQ 288 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma L2-5D2. ACCESSION M36262 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (strain BALB/c), cDNA to mRNA, from hybridoma L2-5D2. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 288) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Immunol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by J.Kavaler, 06-JUL-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>288 /note="Ig heavy-chain V region (AA at 1)" BASE COUNT 78 a 65 c 68 g 73 t 4 others ORIGIN 1 cagtctccag cctccctgtc tgcatctgtg ggagaaactg tcaccatcac atgtcgagca 61 agtgggaata ttcacaatta tttagcatgg tatcagcaga nacagggaaa atctcctcag 121 ctcctggtct ataatgcaaa aaccttagca gatggtgtgc catcaaggtt cagtggcagt 181 ggatcaggaa cacaatattc tctcaagatc aacagcctgc agcctgaaga ttttgggagt 241 tattactgtc aacatttttg gnnnactccg tacacgttcg gagggggg // (02/05/91)
LOCUS MUSIGLAEY 324 bp ss-mRNA ROD 05-FEB-1991 DEFINITION Mouse Ig light-chain mRNA V region, partial cds, from hybridoma H220-10. ACCESSION M36244 KEYWORDS immunglobulin light chain; processed gene; variable region. SOURCE Mouse (BALB/c) hybridoma H220-10, cDNA to mRNA. ORGANISM Mus musculus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 324) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. (1990) In press STANDARD full staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Kavaler,J., Caton,A.J., Staudt,L.M., Schwartz,D. and Gerhard,W. TITLE A set of closely related antibodies dominates the primary antibody response to the antigenic site CB of the A/PR/8/34 influenza virus hemagglutinin JOURNAL J. Immunol. 145, 2312-2321 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>324 /gene="IgL" /codon_start=1 /product="Ig light chain" BASE COUNT 83 a 90 c 75 g 76 t ORIGIN 1 gaaattgtgc tcacccagtc tccagcactc atggctgcat ctccagggga gaaggtcacc 61 atcacctgca gtgtcagctc aagtataagt tccagcaact tgcactggta ccagcagaag 121 tcagaaacct cccccaaacc ctggatttat ggcacatcca acctggcttc tggagtccct 181 gttcgcttca gtggcagtgg atctgggacc tcttattctc tcacaatcag cagcatggag 241 gctgaagatg ctgccactta ttactgtcaa cagtggagta gttacccact cacgttcggc 301 tcggggacaa agttggaaat aaaa //