[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Rhizobium meliloti

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/08/91)

LOCUS       RHMRR16SA     260 bp ss-rRNA            RNA       08-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Rhizobium meliloti (NZP 4017) 16S ribosomal RNA (partial).
KEYWORDS    16S ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Rhizobium meliloti (strain NZP 4017) ribosomal RNA.
  ORGANISM  Rhizobium meliloti
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Rhizobiaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 260)
  AUTHORS   Young,J.P., Downer,H.L. and Eardly,B.D.
  TITLE     Phylogeny of the phototrophic rhizobium BTAi1 by PCR-based
            sequencing of a 16S rRNA gene segment
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..260
                     /gene="16S rRNA"
                     /product="16S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       69 a     58 c     84 g     49 t
        1 aggcttaaca catgcaagtc gagcgccccg caaggggagc ggcagacggg tgagtaacgc
       61 gtgggaatct acccttttct acggaataac gcagggaaac ttgtgctaat accgtatgag
      121 cccttcgggg gaaagattta tcgggaaagg atgagcccgc gttggattag ctagttggtg
      181 gggtaaaggc ctaccaaggc gacgatccat agctggtctg agaggatgat cagccacatt
      241 gggactgaga cacggcccaa