[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Bacteriophage BF23 DNA, left end of terminal repetition.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (12/20/90)

LOCUS       BBFLEFT       182 bp ds-DNA            PHG       120-DEC-1990
DEFINITION  Bacteriophage BF23 DNA, left end of terminal repetition.
KEYWORDS    inverted repeat; repetitive sequence.
SOURCE      Bacteriophage (strain wild-type) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bacteriophage BF23
            Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Siphoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 182)
  AUTHORS   Wiest,J.S. and McCorquodale,D.J.
  TITLE     Characterization of preearly genes in the terminal repetition of
            Bacteriophage BF23 DNA by nucleotide sequencing and restriction
  JOURNAL   Virology 177, 745-752 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Virology 177,
            745-752 (1990)] kindly submitted
            by D.J.McCorquodale, 25-JUL-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    51..177
                     /note="TATAAT consensus repeats"
BASE COUNT       44 a     47 c     32 g     59 t
        1 acgcgctgcc ctccggcgaa aatacttagt ctgctaaccg ccacacccgt tattattacc
       61 atgctaactg tttcgccctg caaccatttt aattgcaagg tgaaacaatt tccgaacctt
      121 aattattatg cgacttttag tttttcgata tattgttgcg ggctgcaact atattctgcg
      181 cg

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (12/22/90)

LOCUS       BBFLEFT       182 bp  ds-DNA            PHG       22-DEC-1990
DEFINITION  Bacteriophage BF23 DNA, left end of terminal repetition.
KEYWORDS    inverted repeat; repetitive sequence.
SOURCE      Bacteriophage (strain wild-type) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bacteriophage BF23
            Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Siphoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 182)
  AUTHORS   Wiest,J.S. and McCorquodale,D.J.
  TITLE     Characterization of preearly genes in the terminal repetition of
            Bacteriophage BF23 DNA by nucleotide sequencing and restriction
  JOURNAL   Virology 177, 745-752 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Virology 177,
            745-752 (1990)] kindly submitted
            by D.J.McCorquodale, 25-JUL-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    51..177
                     /note="TATAAT consensus repeats"
BASE COUNT       44 a     47 c     32 g     59 t
        1 acgcgctgcc ctccggcgaa aatacttagt ctgctaaccg ccacacccgt tattattacc
       61 atgctaactg tttcgccctg caaccatttt aattgcaagg tgaaacaatt tccgaacctt
      121 aattattatg cgacttttag tttttcgata tattgttgcg ggctgcaact atattctgcg
      181 cg

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/21/91)

LOCUS       BBFLEFT       182 bp ds-DNA             PHG       21-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Bacteriophage BF23 DNA, left end of terminal repetition.
KEYWORDS    inverted repeat; repetitive sequence.
SOURCE      Bacteriophage (strain wild-type) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bacteriophage BF23
            Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Siphoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 182)
  AUTHORS   Wiest,J.S. and McCorquodale,D.J.
  TITLE     Characterization of preearly genes in the terminal repetition of
            Bacteriophage BF23 DNA by nucleotide sequencing and restriction
  JOURNAL   Virology 177, 745-752 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Virology 177,
            745-752 (1990)] kindly submitted
            by D.J.McCorquodale, 25-JUL-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    51..177
                     /note="TATAAT consensus repeats"
BASE COUNT       44 a     47 c     32 g     59 t
        1 acgcgctgcc ctccggcgaa aatacttagt ctgctaaccg ccacacccgt tattattacc
       61 atgctaactg tttcgccctg caaccatttt aattgcaagg tgaaacaatt tccgaacctt
      121 aattattatg cgacttttag tttttcgata tattgttgcg ggctgcaact atattctgcg
      181 cg