[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Vaccinia virus B14R 17.3K protein gene, complete cds.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/22/91)

LOCUS       VACB14R       687 bp ds-DNA             VRL       22-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Vaccinia virus B14R 17.3K protein gene, complete cds.
KEYWORDS    B14R 17.3K protein.
SOURCE      Vaccinia virus (strain WR) DNA.
  ORGANISM  Vaccinia virus
            Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Poxvirinae; Orthopoxvirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 687)
  AUTHORS   Howard,S.T., Chan,Y.S. and Smith,G.L.
  TITLE     Vaccinia virus homologues of the shope fibroma virus inverted
            terminal repeat proteins and a discontinuous ORF related to the
            tumor necrosis factor receptor family
  JOURNAL   Virology 180, 633-647 (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             121..570
                     /note="B14R protein is related to the Shope fibroma virus
                     protein T3a from the inverted terminal repeat and to
                     Vaccinia virus proteins C17K and K7"
                     /product="B14R 17.3K protein"
BASE COUNT      194 a    136 c    130 g    227 t
        1 aattcttttc gttggtagat attgctctcc gacaactaat tgttaaccat tttttttaaa
       61 aaatagaaaa aacatgtggt attagtgcag gtcgttattc ttccaattgc aattggtaag
      121 atgacggcca actttagtac ccacgtcttt tcaccacagc actgtggatg tgacagactg
      181 accagtattg atgacgtcag acaatgtttg actgaatata tttattggtc gtcctatgca
      241 taccgcaaca ggcaatgcgc tggacaattg tattccacac tcctctcttt tagagatgat
      301 gcggaattag tgttcatcga cattcgcgag ctggtaaaaa atatgccgtg ggatgatgtc
      361 aaagattgtg cagaaatcat ccgttgttat ataccggatg agcaaaaaac catcagagag
      421 atttcggcca tcatcggact ttgtgcatat gctgctactt actggggagg tgaagaccat
      481 cccactagta acagtctgaa cgcattgttt gtgatgcttg agatgctcaa ttacgtggat
      541 tataacatca tattccggcg tatgaattga tgagttgtac atcttgacat tttcttcttt
      601 cttctcttct ccctttccca gaaacaaact ttttttaccc actataaaat aaaatgagta
      661 tactacctgt tatatttctt tctatat