LOCUS FPLSSIA 134 bp ds-DNA BCT 23-FEB-1991 DEFINITION E.coli F plasmid ssiA gene. ACCESSION D90179 KEYWORDS DNA replication; primosome assembly site; single-strand initiation sequence; ssiA gene. SOURCE Escherichia coli (strain K12) plasmid F factor. ORGANISM Plasmid F Prokaryota; Bacteria. REFERENCE 1 (sites) AUTHORS Murotsu,T., Tsutsui,H. and Matsubara,K. TITLE Identification of the minimal essential region for the replication origin of miniF plasmid JOURNAL Mol. Gen. Genet. 196, 373-378 (1984) STANDARD full staff_review REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 134) AUTHORS Nomura,N., Masai,H., Inuzuka,M., Miyazaki,C., Ohtsubo,E., Itoh,T., Sasamoto,S., Matsui,M., Ishizaki,R. and Arai,K.-. TITLE Identification of eleven single-strand initiation sequences for priming of DNA replication in F, R6K, R100 and ColE2 plasmids JOURNAL Unpublished (1991) STANDARD full staff_entry COMMENT [Mol. Gen. Genet. 196, 373-378 (1984)] sites. These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by: Nobuo Nomura Molecular Oncology Laboratory Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College 1-396 Kosugicho, Nakahara-ku Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211 Japan Phone: 81-44-733-5230 Fax: 81-44-733-5192 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 17..106 /note="ssiA(F.f5)" repeat_region 24..77 /note="inverted repeat" variation 25..25 /note="t in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [Mol. Gen. Genet. 196, 373-378 (1984)]" variation 46..47 /note="ag in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [Mol. Gen. Genet. 196, 373-378 (1984)]" BASE COUNT 34 a 37 c 35 g 28 t ORIGIN 1 ggtctgtcct tttacagcca gtagtgctcg ccgcagtcga gcgacagggc gaagccctcg 61 agtgagcgag gaagcaccag ggaacagcac ttatatattc tgcttacaca cgatgcctga 121 aaaaacttcc cttg //