[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E.coli F plasmid ssiB and ssiC gene.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/23/91)

LOCUS       FPLSSIBC      228 bp ds-DNA             BCT       23-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  E.coli F plasmid ssiB and ssiC gene.
KEYWORDS    DNA replication; primosome assembly site; single-strand initiation
            sequence; ssiB gene; ssiC gene.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli (strain K12) plasmid F factor.
  ORGANISM  Plasmid F
            Prokaryota; Bacteria.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Jalajakumari,M.B., Guidolin,A., Buhj,H.J. and Manning,P.A.
  TITLE     Surface exclusion genes traS and traT of the F sex factor of
            Escherichia coli K-12 - Determination of the nucleotide sequence
            and promoter and terminator activities
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 228)
  AUTHORS   Nomura,N., Masai,H., Inuzuka,M., Miyazaki,C., Ohtsubo,E., Itoh,T.,
            Sasamoto,S., Matsui,M., Ishizaki,R. and Arai,K.-.
  TITLE     Identification of eleven single-strand initiation sequences for
            priming of DNA replication in F, R6K, R100 and ColE2 plasmids
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [J. Mol. Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)]  sites.
            These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
            Nobuo Nomura
            Molecular Oncology Laboratory
            Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College
            1-396 Kosugicho, Nakahara-ku
            Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211
            Phone:  81-44-733-5230
            Fax:    81-44-733-5192
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..33
                     /note="traT (C-terminal)"
     variation       41..41
                     /note="c in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [J. Mol.
                     Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)]"
     variation       44..45
                     /note="ga in [Gene (1990) In press]; ag in [J. Mol. Biol.
                     198, 1-11 (1987)]"
     variation       56..56
                     /note="c in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [J. Mol.
                     Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)]"
     misc_feature    62..151
                     /note="ssiC (F.f2b)"
     repeat_region   94..137
                     /note="inverted repeat"
     misc_feature    132..227
                     /note="ssiB (F.f2a)"
     variation       195..195
                     /note="g in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [J. Mol.
                     Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)]"
     variation       200..203
                     /note="gccg in [Gene (1990) In press]; deletion in [J.
                     Mol. Biol. 198, 1-11 (1987)]"
BASE COUNT       58 a     56 c     50 g     64 t
        1 cagctggcca aatcaatcgc aaatattctc tgattatctt ccggagctgg tctgaccggc
       61 ctcctgactg acgcctcgct ttgctcgttg tccaaccccg gaaagaaata aaataaattt
      121 tatttctccc cggcgtttcc gaaataaata tgaaaacact gagcggttgt gcaaattctt
      181 tgtgcgaccg tgaagtgttg ccggcgaagc cggaatttaa cggttatt