[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E.coli F plasmid ssiD gene.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/23/91)

LOCUS       FPLSSID       351 bp ds-DNA             BCT       23-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  E.coli F plasmid ssiD gene.
KEYWORDS    DNA replication; single-strand initiation sequence; ssiD gene.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli (strain K12) plasmid F factor.
  ORGANISM  Plasmid F
            Prokaryota; Bacteria.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 351)
  AUTHORS   Nomura,N., Masai,H., Inuzuka,M., Miyazaki,C., Ohtsubo,E., Itoh,T.,
            Sasamoto,S., Matsui,M., Ishizaki,R. and Arai,K.-.
  TITLE     Identification of eleven single-strand initiation sequences for
            priming of DNA replication in F, R6K, R100 and ColE2 plasmids
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
            Nobuo Nomura
            Molecular Oncology Laboratory
            Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical College
            1-396 Kosugicho, Nakahara-ku
            Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211
            Phone:  81-44-733-5230
            Fax:    81-44-733-5192
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     repeat_region   154..195
                     /note="inverted repeat"
BASE COUNT       68 a    101 c    101 g     81 t
        1 cccccatcat cttttcgagt ttcgggagcc gcggttttga cgttttgcgg ggacctgcct
       61 tttgttccct ccggtattca ccatcacctt tttgagaacc ttcgccgcaa ggggcatact
      121 gccacggccg gaaacgactg tccgggggca agaccgcaaa acattttgcc tacttttggg
      181 caaaaagttt tgcgggatgt gcatttcacc cctggactgg cggagacggt tgtggctgtc
      241 tttgcccccg gtgacagggg cttaaacagg tgaatggcac cggacacaac aacgggcagg
      301 cacccgccgc aacgacgtga agcgcggttt gcgaaacggc gttgcccctt a