[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Pseudorabies virus genome, the junction of the unique short and

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/23/91)

LOCUS       HSSLEFT       272 bp ds-DNA             VRL       23-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Pseudorabies virus genome, the junction of the unique short and
            short terminal repeat regions.
KEYWORDS    short terminal repeat region; short unique region.
SOURCE      Pseudorabies virus (strain Ka) DNA, clone pPRVB12.
  ORGANISM  Pseudorabies virus
            Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Herpesviridae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 272)
  AUTHORS   Zhang,G. and Leader,D.P.
  TITLE     The structure of the pseudorabies virus genome at the end of
            inverted repeat sequences proximal to the junction with the short
            unique region
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. (1990) In press
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
            David P. Leader
            Department of Biochemistry
            University of Glasgow
            G12 8QQ, Glasgow
            Phone:  +41 3398855 x5265 or 6448
            Email:  GBCA26@VMS3.GLA.AC.UK (Janet)
            Fax:    +41 3304620
            Telex:  777070
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_signal     220..225
                     /note="pot. polyadenylation signal"
     misc_feature    251..251
                     /note="end of unique short region"
     misc_feature    252..252
                     /note="start of terminal short repeat region"
BASE COUNT       48 a    113 c     77 g     34 t
ORIGIN      ca. 89 genome % units, 1 bp upstream of BamHI site.
        1 ggatcccggc cacccgcgcc atgttcgcgc gggtccacaa ccgctcctgg cgccacgccg
       61 gcgagtggac ggaggccctg catgcccaga tcgtgacccg gggcgacgtg cgccggcgcc
      121 ggggcgggcg cggcaacgga cgcgagcgcg ccccgcgatg taccatctcc tagacggcag
      181 gatctctccg catcccccac accccccaaa aaaacaaaca ataaacgctc tcgctctggc
      241 acccgatgac acgcctccgt cctctctctc cc