[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Fowlpox virus protein.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/27/91)

LOCUS       FPVC1P        243 bp ds-DNA             VRL       27-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Fowlpox virus protein.
SOURCE      Fowlpox virus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Fowlpox virus
            Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Poxvirinae; Avipoxvirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 243)
  AUTHORS   Jenkins,S., Gritz,L., Fedor,C., Cormier,N.A., McGuigan,L.C.,
            Stallard,V., O'Neill,E.M., Osborne,M., Cohen,L.K., Payne,L.G.,
            Mazzara,G.P. and Panicali,D.L.
  TITLE     Formation of lentivirus particles in mammalian cells infected with
            recombinant fowlpox virus
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mutation        228..230
                     /note="initiation atg mutated to ata"
     mutation        239..239
                     /note="t mutated to g to create BamHI site"
BASE COUNT       87 a     26 c     41 g     89 t
        1 gatcattatt taacgtaaac taaatggaaa agctatttac aggtacatac ggtgttttct
       61 ggaatcaaat gattctgatt ttgaggattt tatcaataca ataatgacag tgctaactgg
      121 taaaaaagaa agcaaacaat tatcatggct aacaattttt attatatttg tagtatgcat
      181 agtggtcttt acgtttcttt atttaaagtt aattgtgtta agattaaata gagcaattgg
      241 atc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (02/27/91)

LOCUS       FPVC1G        243 bp ds-DNA             VRL       27-FEB-1991
DEFINITION  Fowlpox virus protein.
SOURCE      Fowlpox virus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Fowlpox virus
            Viridae; ds-DNA enveloped viruses; Poxvirinae; Avipoxvirus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 243)
  AUTHORS   Jenkins,S., Gritz,L., Fedor,C., Cormier,N.A., McGuigan,L.C.,
            Stallard,V., O'Neill,E.M., Osborne,M., Cohen,L.K., Payne,L.G.,
            Mazzara,G.P. and Panicali,D.L.
  TITLE     Formation of lentivirus particles in mammalian cells infected with
            recombinant fowlpox virus
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mutation        234..236
                     /note="caa mutated to taa to create an in-frame stop
BASE COUNT       86 a     25 c     42 g     90 t
        1 gatcattatt taacgtaaac taaatggaaa agctatttac aggtacatac ggtgttttct
       61 ggaatcaaat gattctgatt ttgaggattt tatcaataca ataatgacag tgctaactgg
      121 taaaaaagaa agcaaacaat tatcatggct aacaattttt attatatttg tagtatgcat
      181 agtggtcttt acgtttcttt atttaaagtt aattgtgtta agattaaatg gagtaattgg
      241 atc