[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Grapevine fanleaf virus, satellite RNA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/05/91)

LOCUS       GFLRNA3      1114 bp ss-RNA             VRL       05-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Grapevine fanleaf virus, satellite RNA (RNA3), complete sequence.
KEYWORDS    satellite RNA.
SOURCE      Grapevine fanleaf virus (strain F13), satellite RNA (RNA3), cDNA to
            RNA3, clone pA4 and pA5.
  ORGANISM  Grapevine fanleaf virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1114)
  AUTHORS   Fuchs,M., Pinck,M., Serghini,M.A., Ravelonandro,M., Walter,B. and
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence of satellite RNA in grapevine fanleaf
            virus, strain F13
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 70, 955-962 (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     The satellite RNA has a polyadenylated 3' end, and probably a
            protein (VPg) linked to the 5' terminus, and produces 39K protein
            in a wheatgerm translation system.  Furthermore there is the weaker
            upper band.  It may be readthrough product of 39K protein.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    3..10
                     /note="consensus sequence at the 5' end of nepovirus RNAs"
     CDS             15..1040
                     /note="39K product, P3"
     variation       720..720
                     /note="t in clone pA5; c in clone pA4"
BASE COUNT      246 a    295 c    313 g    260 t
ORIGIN      5' end of satellite RNA.
        1 tatgaaaaat ttctatggac tcttacgtta ccgtggatcc atcttttcac tctcccagaa
       61 tctcacttga gattctggtc cctaccaagt atgcgaagct gtttaccctt aagcagctct
      121 ctcgcatgct tgcattgtcg tgtaagcacc gtgcacggca agccgctaac ccggtaagca
      181 aacggacctc ccgagaccga aatgggagta aaacaatggg tcagggtcct tctgctgtgg
      241 ccccgcaagt gtcgaaggga cacaatcagc aagtagatgg aggggtttgt ctagccccgg
      301 tgaagtcaaa gcgtgcggta cggcgtgaaa agcgccgtac tgccgctaag aaggccacta
      361 ataaggccaa gaccgagacc aaactcgtta aaaagggtgg gtctagtatc cacgccccaa
      421 aggcaccgaa gcggacgtcg tatttgtcta gtctgctttc gagtccttct ggggcgaaag
      481 ccaaaatggg ggctctgagc aagccccccc aaacaaaaaa tgctcccgac gccaacgagg
      541 gtggtttcac cctcactgct atcacaccgg ctgagtgccg ggcggaagct aggcgcagat
      601 tccaccccat cacaggatcc tctcgtggtc cttatgggtt ctgcacccgc tcccgtgagg
      661 gttgtggcgt gtgtgccgat tgtgtggaaa agaaggcaca cctggacttc aaccggagtt
      721 ttgacactat tggcacttcg cgtgtcattc gtgtcgactc gatgatggaa gaagtggccg
      781 aagacttggc cagccctagt gtcctagaac cctctgggtt ctgggctcct gctgaaaagc
      841 aggctccttc tggagagggg cattcccgta gaaggtgcga cgtggtgaca ctcgcacgcg
      901 taactccggt tctccggatg ttgcgtaagg tcgatcccac tcttgtggac aaccgacttt
      961 tatgggaggc cgcgtttagg acggtctttc ctcagcgcaa gtgcgtgtat ccccacggtt
     1021 gcttctgtga ccgtgggtag ggaagattgc agcgggacat cgtttgttta tagtctggcg
     1081 taagctggga ttttggttgc tcattagcca actc