[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Cucumber mosaic virus RNA 3, coat protein gene and flanks.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/05/91)

LOCUS       MCVRNA3C     1255 bp ss-RNA             VRL       05-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Cucumber mosaic virus RNA 3, coat protein gene and flanks.
KEYWORDS    coat protein.
SOURCE      Cucumber mosaic virus (strain C) propagated in Nicotiana tabacum
            cv. Xanthi, cDNA to viral RNA, clone pC9.9.
  ORGANISM  Cucumber mosaic virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1255)
  AUTHORS   Quemada,H., Kearney,C., Gonsalves,D. and Slightom,J.L.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences of the coat protein genes and flanking regions
            of cucumber mosaic virus strains C and WL RNA 3
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 70, 1065-1073 (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Submitted in computer readable form by H.D. Quemada on 15-Aug-1989.
            In [J. Gen. Virol. 70, 1065-1073 (1989)], they compare these
            sequences of C and WL strains to those
            published for other cucumber mosaic virus strains, and present
            evidence that C strain belongs to the WT group while WL strain
            belongs to the S group.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    224..224
                     /note="start site of subgenomic RNA 4 (putative)"
     CDS             298..954
                     /note="coat protein"
BASE COUNT      285 a    311 c    298 g    361 t
ORIGIN      342 bp upstream of AatII site.
        1 cactttggtg cgtattagta tataagtatt tgtgagtctg tacataatac tatatctata
       61 gagtcctgtg tgagttgata cagtagacat ctgtgacgcg atgccgtgtt gagaagggat
      121 cacatctggt tttagtaagc ctacatcata gttttgaggt tcaattcctc ttactccctg
      181 ttgagtacct tactttctca tggatgcttc tccgcgagat tgcgttattg tctactgact
      241 atatagagag tgtgtgtgct gtgttttctc ttttgtgtcg tagaattgag tcgagtcatg
      301 gacaaatctg aatcaaccag tgctggtcgt aaccatcgac gtcgtccgcg tcgtggttcc
      361 cgctccgccc cctcctccgc ggatgctaac tttagagtct tgtcgcagca gctttcgcga
      421 cttaataaga cgttagcagc tggtcgtcca actattaacc acccaacctt tgtagggagt
      481 gaacgctgta gacctgggta cacgttcaca tctattaccc taaagccacc aaaaatagac
      541 cgtgagtctt attacggtaa aaggttgtta ctacctgatt cagtcacgga atatgataag
      601 aagcttgttt cgcgcattca aattcgagtt aatcctttgc cgaaatttga ttctaccgtg
      661 tgggtgacag tccgtaaagt tcctgcctcc tcggacttat ccgttgccgc catctctgct
      721 atgttcgcgg acggagcctc accggtactg gtttatcagt atgccgcatc tggagtccaa
      781 gccaacaaca aactgttgtt tgatctttcg gcgatgcgcg ctgatatagg tgacatgaga
      841 aagtacgccg tcctcgtgta ttcaaaagac gatgcgctcg agacggacga gctagtactt
      901 catgttgaca tcgagcacca acgcattccc acatctggag tgctcccagt ctgattccgt
      961 gttcccagaa ccctccctcc gatctctgtg gcgggagctg agttggcagt tctactacaa
     1021 actgtctgga gtcactaaac gttttacggt gaacgggttg tccatccagc ttacggctaa
     1081 aatggtcagt cgtggagaaa tccacgccag cagatttaca aatctctgag gcgcctttga
     1141 aaccatctcc taggtttctt cggaagggct tcggtccgtg tacctctagc gcaacgtgct
     1201 agtttcaggg tacgggtgcc cccccacttt cgtgggggcc tccaaaagga gacca

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/05/91)

LOCUS       MCVRNA3WL    1267 bp ss-RNA             VRL       05-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Cucumber mosaic virus RNA 3, coat protein gene and flanks.
KEYWORDS    coat protein.
SOURCE      Cucumber mosaic virus (strain WL) propagated in Nicotiana tabacum
            cv. Xanthi, cDNA to viral RNA, clones pWL3.4.1, pWL3.4.2 and
  ORGANISM  Cucumber mosaic virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1267)
  AUTHORS   Quemada,H., Kearney,C., Gonsalves,D. and Slightom,J.L.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences of the coat protein genes and flanking regions
            of cucumber mosaic virus strains C and WL RNA 3
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 70, 1065-1073 (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
COMMENT     Submitted in computer readable form by H.D. Quemada on 15-Aug-1989.
            In [J. Gen. Virol. 70, 1065-1073 (1989)], they compare these
            sequences of C and WL strains to those
            published for other cucumber mosaic virus strains, and present
            evidence that C strain belongs to the WT group while WL strain
            belongs to the S group.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    232..232
                     /note="start site of subgenomic RNA 4 (putative)"
     CDS             285..941
                     /note="coat protein"
BASE COUNT      282 a    303 c    299 g    383 t
ORIGIN      588 bp upstream of HindIII site.
        1 tgttttgtta cgttgtatcc atgtatatat atatcacgtt tatcttccgt atgtaaatac
       61 atgtgagtct agagttccgt gtgagttgta acggtagaca tctgtgacgc gaagccgctt
      121 gaagacttcc catctggggt tagtaagtcc acatcacagt tttaagattc aattcctttt
      181 gctccctgtt gggcccctta ctttctcatg gatgcctctc cgcgagttag cgtttagttg
      241 ttcacctgag tcgtgtgttt tgtattttgc gtcttagtgt gcctatggac aaatctggat
      301 ctcccaatgc tagtagaacc tcccggcgtc gtcgcccgcg tagaggttct cggtccgctt
      361 ctggtgcgga tgcagggttg cgtgctttga ctcagcagat gctgaaactc aatagaaccc
      421 tcgccattgg tcgtcccact cttaaccacc caaccttcgt gggtagtgaa agctgtaaac
      481 ccggttacac tttcacatct attaccctga aaccgcctga aattgagaaa ggttcatatt
      541 ttggtagaag gttgtctttg ccagattcag tcacggacta tgataagaag cttgtttcgc
      601 gcattcaaat cagggttaat cctttgccga aatttgattc taccgtgtgg gttacagttc
      661 ggaaagtacc ttcatcatcc gatctttccg tcgccgccat ctctgctatg tttggcgatg
      721 gtaattcacc ggttttggtt tatcagtatg ctgcgtccgg agttcaggcc aacaataagt
      781 tactttatga cctgtccgag atgcgtgctg atatcggcga catgcgtaag tacgccgtcc
      841 tggtttactc gaaagacgat aaactagaga aggacgagat tgcacttcat gtcgacgtcg
      901 agcatcaacg aattcctatc tcacggatgc tcccgactta gtccgtgtgt ttaccggcgt
      961 ccgagaacgt taaactacac tctcaatcgc gagtgctgac ttggtagtat tgcttcaaac
     1021 tgcctgaagt ccctaaacgt gttgttgcgc ggggaacggg tgtccatcca gcttacggct
     1081 aaaatggtcg tgtctttcac acgccgatgt cttacaagat gtcgagatac ccttgaaatc
     1141 atctcctaga tttcttcgga agggcttcgt gagaagctcg tgcacggtaa tacacttgat
     1201 attaccaaga gtgcgggtat cgcctgtggt tttccacagg ttctccaggt tctccataag
     1261 gagacca