[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Lactobacillus delbrueckii tRNA-genes transfer RNA-Gly, transfer

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       LBATRNA2      630 bp ds-DNA             BCT       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Lactobacillus delbrueckii tRNA-genes transfer RNA-Gly, transfer
            RNA-Arg, transfer RNA-Gln, transfer RNA-Val, transfer RNA-Asp and
            5S ribosomal RNA.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA; argU gene; aspU gene; gluT gene; glyU gene;
            ribosomal RNA; rrfB gene; transfer RNA; transfer RNA-Arg; transfer
            RNA-Asp; transfer RNA-Gln; transfer RNA-Gly; transfer RNA-Val; valU
SOURCE      Lactobacillus delbrueckii.
  ORGANISM  Lactobacillus delbrueckii
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Regular asporogenous rods;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 630)
  AUTHORS   Hottinger,H.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989) see COMMENT for author address
  STANDARD  simple automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 63)
  AUTHORS   Pittet,A.C. and Hottinger,H.
  TITLE     A Lactobacillus bulgaricus DNA fragment containing a 5s RNA gene
            adjacent to a pentameric tRNA gene cluster
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989) see COMMENT for author address
  STANDARD  simple automatic
            [Unpublished (1989) see COMMENT for author address]  enum. 1 to
            *source: strain=ATCC 11842; sub-species=bulgaricus; clone=pYLBT30;
            [1 ]  Author address Hottinger H., Nestle Research Department,
            Nestle Ltd, B P 353, CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland.
            Submitted (10-MAY-1989) on tape to the EMBL data library
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            11..127
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
     tRNA            164..234
     tRNA            271..343
     tRNA            347..418
     tRNA            425..491
     tRNA            521..593
BASE COUNT      152 a    156 c    175 g    147 t
        1 aagcaaagag tgcggtggca atggcaataa ggatacacct gttcccatgc cgaacacagt
       61 agttaagctt cttaacgccg aaagtagttg gtgggaaact gcctgcgagg ataggaagct
      121 gccgcgctca atcagccaga ctgtctagcc tggcttttat catgcggaag tagttcagtg
      181 gtagaacatc accttgccat ggtgggggtc gcgggttcga atcccgtctt ccgcttaacg
      241 cagcagcgtt agcaaacaga atatttcagc gcacccatag cgcaactgga tagagtgtct
      301 gactacgaat cagaaggttg taggttcaag tcctactggg tgcattggag gattagctca
      361 gctgggagag catctgcctt acaagcagag ggtcacaggt tcgagccctg tatcctccat
      421 ctggcccgtt ggtcaagtgg ttaagacacc gccctttcac ggcggtaaca tgggttcaaa
      481 tcccgtacgg gtcattgccg gaaggcaaaa cagaatattt ggtccattgg agcagtggtc
      541 tatctcgcct ccctgtcacg gaggagatcg cgggttcaaa tcccgcatgg accgtcactg
      601 agaagcaggt atccacctgc ttcttttgtc