[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] A.farauti DNA, clone 1/1.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       MSQPUPS       504 bp ds-DNA             INV       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  A.farauti DNA, clone 1/1.
SOURCE      A.farauti DNA.
  ORGANISM  Anopheles farauti
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Diptera; Nematocera; Culicoidea;
            Culicidae; Anophelelinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 504)
  AUTHORS   Cooper,L., Cooper,R. and Burkot,T.R.
  TITLE     The anopheles punctulatus complex: DNA probes for identifying the
            Australian species using isotopic, chromogenic and
            chemiluminescence detection systems
  JOURNAL   Exp. Parasitol. (1991) In press
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT      114 a     60 c    169 g    161 t
        1 gtcttagtag gtcgggtgct gttctgagaa ggttaaaata tggtcttaga aggtcgagtg
       61 ctatttttag atggtgaaaa tatggtctca gtaggtcggg tgctgttctg agatggttaa
      121 actatggtct aagtaggtcg ggtgctgttc tgagatggtg aaaatatggt ctaagtaggt
      181 cgggtgctgt tctgagatgg taaaaatatg gtcttagtag gtggcgtgct gttctgagat
      241 ggttaaaata tggtctaagt aggtggggtg ctcttctggg atggttaaaa tatggtctca
      301 gtaggtcggg tgctgttcag acatggttaa aaaatgttct tagttgaact ggtgctgttc
      361 tgagatggtt aaaatatggt ctaagtaggt cggggctgtt ctgagatggt gaatatatgg
      421 tctcagaagg tctgatgctg ttctgagatg gtcggttgat agacgagttg cttggtgggg
      481 ccgaccggca gcaggtagcg atcc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       MSQPUPT        98 bp ds-DNA             INV       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  A.farauti DNA, clone 1/1.
SOURCE      A.farauti DNA.
  ORGANISM  Anopheles farauti
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Diptera; Nematocera; Culicoidea;
            Culicidae; Anophelelinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 98)
  AUTHORS   Cooper,L., Cooper,R. and Burkot,T.R.
  TITLE     The anopheles punctulatus complex: DNA probes for identifying the
            Australian species using isotopic, chromogenic and
            chemiluminescence detection systems
  JOURNAL   Exp. Parasitol. (1991) In press
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT       19 a     36 c     20 g     23 t
        1 cttgcttgat atcttcgggc aatcgcagac cccgaaccgg caccaccacg ggccagccat
       61 tcggccattg tacctttata ctcgtcagta ctcgtccc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       MSQPUPU        74 bp ds-DNA             INV       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  A.farauti DNA, clone 1/1.
SOURCE      A.farauti DNA.
  ORGANISM  Anopheles farauti
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Diptera; Nematocera; Culicoidea;
            Culicidae; Anophelelinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 74)
  AUTHORS   Cooper,L., Cooper,R. and Burkot,T.R.
  TITLE     The anopheles punctulatus complex: DNA probes for identifying the
            Australian species using isotopic, chromogenic and
            chemiluminescence detection systems
  JOURNAL   Exp. Parasitol. (1991) In press
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT       16 a     23 c     15 g     20 t
        1 cccgccgagt tattcgctcc taggtacgga ccatatacct tgagtacatg tatatccacg
       61 tcaatgcgcg ttcc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       MSQPUPV        39 bp ds-DNA             INV       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  A.farauti DNA, clone 1/1.
SOURCE      A.farauti DNA.
  ORGANISM  Anopheles farauti
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Diptera; Nematocera; Culicoidea;
            Culicidae; Anophelelinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 39)
  AUTHORS   Cooper,L., Cooper,R. and Burkot,T.R.
  TITLE     The anopheles punctulatus complex: DNA probes for identifying the
            Australian species using isotopic, chromogenic and
            chemiluminescence detection systems
  JOURNAL   Exp. Parasitol. (1991) In press
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT        8 a     14 c      7 g     10 t
        1 ccactttgcc aaatatcggt aacttgttcc acgcgcccg