[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] B.subtilis chemotactic response protein

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/06/91)

LOCUS       BSUCHEBQ      390 bp ds-DNA             BCT       06-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  B.subtilis chemotactic response protein (cheB) gene, complete cds.
KEYWORDS    chemotactic response protein.
SOURCE      B.subtilis DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bacillus subtilis
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 390)
  AUTHORS   Bischoff,D.S. and Ordal,G.W.
  TITLE     Sequence and characterization of Bacillus subtilis CheB, a homolog
            of Escherichia coli CheY, and its different mechanism of chemotaxis
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             24..386
                     /product="chemotactic response protein"
BASE COUNT      138 a     57 c     92 g    103 t
ORIGIN      map position:  140 degrees.
        1 aaacacaagg agagagatag attatggcac atagaatttt aattgtagat gacgcagcat
       61 ttatgcgaat gatgattaaa gatattttgg ttaaaaatgg ttttgaagtt gtggcggaag
      121 ctgaaaatgg agcacaagcg gtagagaaat ataaagagca ttcacctgac cttgttacta
      181 tggatatcac gatgccagaa atggatggta ttacagcatt aaaagaaatt aaacaaattg
      241 atgcgcaggc aagaatcatc atgtgttctg ctatgggaca gcaatcaatg gttattgatg
      301 ccattcaggc cggcgctaag gatttcattg tgaaaccttt ccaggctgac cgtgtgcttg
      361 aagcaatcaa caaaacatta aattaaaggg