[net.cse] Wanted: Self-study programming text

rusty (05/08/82)

If you can stomach Pascal there are some good books on programming
that use it. My favorite one is a hardcover book, written by four
authors, one of them is Perlman, the cover is dark brown. I don't
have my copy thus the vague description.

davy (05/09/82)

A couple of books I might suggest, which aren't too bad (although, as usual,
they could be better) are:

		Programming in Pascal (or something like that)
		Peter Grogono
			-- This is what Purdue EE uses for its EE263 intro
			to computer programming.  It's not the best book in
			the world, however, it is designed as a low-level 
			book (college freshman), and therefore does cover
			the basics rather well.  Many examples are given
			in the text, and most of them are explained.

		Dunno who writes it but it's blue and yellow, with a 
		picture of Pascal's triangle on it.
			-- This is (or was, anyway) used by Purdue's CS
			department, in the equivalent course to EE263.
			I like it a bit better for reference than the one
			above, because it takes things in a slightly nicer
			order (i.e., everything is covered in one place).

		FORTRAN for Humans
			-- This is a green paperback book, which is used to
			teach non-computer-types how to use one of those big
			terrifying machines.  I kind of like the way things
			are covered in it -- it goes slowly enough that even
			an Ag student can understand it!

--Dave Curry

eric (05/09/82)

how about 'Software Tools', also by Kernigan, i think, and with
someone else. excellent PROGRAMMING book.