[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Red clover mottle virus RNA encoding 24K protease.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/07/91)

LOCUS       RCM24KP       771 bp ss-RNA             VRL       07-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Red clover mottle virus RNA encoding 24K protease.
KEYWORDS    24K protease.
SOURCE      Red clover mottle virus, cDNA to viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Red clover mottle virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Comoviridae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 771)
  AUTHORS   Shanks,M. and Lomonossoff,G.P.
  TITLE     The primary structure of the 24K protease from red clover mottle
            virus: Implications for the mode of action of comovirus proteases
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 71, 735-738 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     These data kindly submitted in computer readable form by:
            Michael Shanks
            Department of Virus Research
            John Innes and AFRC Institute of Plant Science Research
            Colney Lane
            Norwich NR4 7UH
            Phone:  0603-52571
            Email:  shanks@jii.afrc.ac.uk
            Fax:    0603-56844
            Telex:  975122(jiinorg)
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..>771
                     /note="polyprotein (AA at 3)"
     mat_peptide     <1..14
                     /note="58K product (AA at 3)"
     mat_peptide     15..98
                     /note="genome-linked protein (VPg)"
     mat_peptide     99..722
                     /note="24K protease"
     mat_peptide     723..>771
                     /note="87K product"
BASE COUNT      234 a    153 c    179 g    205 t
        1 cagctgaagc acagagcagg aagccaaaca gatttgaagt gcaacagtat aggtacaaga
       61 acgtgcctct tactagaagg tcatggggta atgcccagat gtcactcgac caaagcactg
      121 tgtcaatatt aaacaaatgt catgccaagt ttatcatagc ttcacaacat gctcagatag
      181 tgctagtgcc aggcagaagg tttattggtt actctcactt tttctgcaat cttaaacatc
      241 ctttgatggt acagatagag actgctgata gaacttactt tcacaggtac caacccgaaa
      301 acatggagta tattgaagat tctgagctct gtgtttatca tagttcgtgc ctagaggaca
      361 tctctcatag ctgctgggat cttttctgct gggatcctga caaggaactg ccaaagaaat
      421 tttcagcaga ctttgtttcc tgcaagtaca atacctggac caaaagtgtt gaaccaacat
      481 gggcaaacgt ggatgctgag gtgattaaag aagattttac catttgtgat ggtgaatatc
      541 gcaacacagt gagtacgagc atcaggtacg aagcgccaac ggttatgtca gattgtggtt
      601 ccatgatcat caccaatgtg ggtggaaaaa ccaaaatagt aggcattcat gttgcgggaa
      661 gggacaataa gataggcatg gccagtttgc tgcctccact attgccctgt gcacaggctc
      721 aaggtgcaga aaagtatttt aatttttatc caatagagta tgatgcagct g