LOCUS FSBIGHVL 409 bp ss-mRNA VRT 13-MAR-1991 DEFINITION I.punctatus Ig heavy chain mRNA V-region, clone NG54. ACCESSION M58672 KEYWORDS immunoglobin heavy chain; variable region. SOURCE I.punctatus, cDNA to mRNA. ORGANISM Ictalurus punctatus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Osteichthyes; Actinopterygii; Siluriformes; Ictaluridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 409) AUTHORS Ghaffari,S.H. and Lobb,C.J. TITLE Heavy chain variable region gene families evolved early in phylogeny : Ig complexity in fish JOURNAL J. Immunol. 146, 1037-1046 (1991) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>409 /product="Ig heavy-chain V region" /codon_start=2 sig_peptide <1..46 /product="Ig heavy-chain V region" /codon_start=2 mat_peptide 47..>409 /product="Ig heavy-chain V region" /codon_start=47 BASE COUNT 110 a 94 c 103 g 102 t ORIGIN 1 tttgagttac attgctctag caatgttcat tcaatattcc tgcagtcaga cactgatcga 61 gtccgattca gtgatcatca aacctgatca gtctcataaa ctgacctgca cagcgtctgg 121 atttaacttt ggtggctctt ggatggcttg gatcagacag tcacctggaa aagggctgga 181 atgggttgca actatctcag acaccagtgg tagcaagtat tactccagtg cagttaatgg 241 ccgcttcacc atctccagag acaacagtaa gatggaggtg tatctgcaca tggccagtgt 301 gaggacagaa gacactgcag tgtattactg cactaaacgc cctggggggg ggcgcttcta 361 cagctacttc gactactggg gaaaagggac tcaagtgacc gtaacatca //