LOCUS CLOGRDA 696 bp ds-DNA BCT 13-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Clostridium sticklandii selenoprotein A (grdA) gene, complete cds. ACCESSION M60399 KEYWORDS glycine reductase complex; selenoprotein A. SOURCE Clostridium sticklandii (ATCC 12662) DNA. ORGANISM Clostridium sticklandii Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 696) AUTHORS Garcia,G.E. and Stadtman,T.C. TITLE Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the gene for selenoprotein A of the glycine reductase complex from Clostridium sticklandii: selenocysteine is encoded for by UGA JOURNAL Unpublished (1991) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers RBS 143..149 /gene="grdA" CDS 155..631 /product="selenoprotein A" /gene="grdA" /codon_start=155 misc_feature 284..286 /note="codon corresponding to selenocysteine" /gene="grdA" BASE COUNT 234 a 98 c 155 g 209 t ORIGIN 1 ttctcttctg atggatcaat tgaagttgaa attcaggcta ttactggagc tacttagtga 61 agttggattc aacaagatga cagcaaaaac ttattaatta taaaaattta accatattat 121 tataaataca atatgaaaat ttaaggagga aaatatgagc cgttttactg gaaaaaaaat 181 agttattatc ggcgatagag acggaattcc tggcccagct attgaagaat gtcttaagcc 241 tatcgattgt gaagttatat tttcatcaac agaatgcttt gtctgaactg ctgctggggc 301 tatggaccta gaaaaccaaa agagaattaa agaagctact gagaaattcg gagctgaaaa 361 tcttgtggtt ttaataggtg ctgcagaagc cgaagctgct ggtctagcag ctgaaacagt 421 tacagcgggt gaccctactt ttgctggtcc tcttgctggt gttgagcttg gattaagagt 481 ttatcacgca gttgagcctg aattcaaaga tgaagtagat gctcaaatct ttgatgatca 541 agttggaatg atggaaatgg ttcttaacgt tgatgaaatc atagaagaaa tgcaaagcat 601 tagaagtcag ttttgtaaat ttaacgacta ataaggaagg aggcgtttat tgatgggaaa 661 agttaaggtt gtacactatc taaatcaatt ctttgc //