LOCUS BLIAMYL 120 bp ds-DNA BCT 13-MAR-1991 DEFINITION B.licheniformis alpha-amylase (amyL) gene, 5' end. ACCESSION M62637 KEYWORDS alpha-amylase. SOURCE B.licheniformis DNA. ORGANISM Bacillus licheniformis Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 120) AUTHORS Jorgensen,P.L., Hansen,C.K., Poulsen,G.B. and Diderichsen,B. TITLE In vivo genetic engineering: homologous recombination as a tool for plasmid construction JOURNAL Gene 96, 37-41 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 22..>120 /product="alpha-amylase" /gene="amyL" /codon_start=22 sig_peptide 22..108 /gene="amyL" /codon_start=22 mat_peptide 109..>120 /gene="amyL" /codon_start=109 BASE COUNT 31 a 29 c 28 g 32 t ORIGIN 1 cattgaaagg ggaggagaat catgaaacaa caaaaacggc tttacgcccg attgctgacg 61 ctgttatttg cgctcatctt cttgctgcct cattctgcag cagcggcggc aaatcttatt //