[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] O.fallax 81-MAC family, vA-mRNA-3PR, 3' end.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/15/91)

LOCUS       OFA81MVA3P     89 bp ss-mRNA            INV       15-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  O.fallax 81-MAC family, vA-mRNA-3PR, 3' end.
KEYWORDS    81-MAC chromosome family; alternative DNA processing;
            homolog of mitochondrial solute carriers.
SOURCE      O.fallax (subkaryonide 3.5), cDNA to mRNA, 1 clone from RACE PCR
  ORGANISM  Oxytricha fallax
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Ciliophora; Polyhymenophora;
            Spirotricha; Hypotrichida; Sporadotrichina; Oxytrichidae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Williams,K.R. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Transcription analysis of a gene occupying the Oxytricha fallax
            81-MAC chromosome common region and homologous to mitochondrial
            solute carriers
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     polyA_site      89..89
                     /note="1 clone contained a poly-A tail of 39 'a's."
BASE COUNT       31 a     11 c     10 g     37 t
        1 gaattcaaaa aataaattgt ctctaacatc gagcattatc acatgctttt ttgttaaagt
       61 agagatttat ttgttattta aacctattt